External real-space density modifier parameters
keyword: calculation.rhoExternalModifier.isIncluded
possible values: 1, true, 0, false
default value: false
description: If it is true or 1, the external real space density modifier defined in rhoExternalModifier.calculator will be used.
an example:
calculation.rhoExternalModifier.isIncluded = true
keyword: calculation.rhoExternalModifier.calculator
possible values: a structure with the two fields of class and parameter
default value: no default value, must be input when rhoExternalModifier.isIncluded is true.
description: This input parameter defines a plug-in calculator, where the field class clarifies the name of the calculator, and the field parameter gives its construction parameter. The constructor of the plug-in calculator will be called in the following manner: calculator = constructor([cp]) where [cp] = calculation.rhoExternalModifier.calculator.parameter
Only used when rhoExternalModifier.isIncluded is true.
For information about how to replace this plug-in calculator, type nanodcal -help plug-in and nanodcal -api.
an example:
calculation.rhoExternalModifier.calculator.class ...
= cAbstractRealspaceDensityModifier
calculation.rhoExternalModifier.calculator.parameter ...
= :math:`[\ ]`