qtcad.device.leverarm_matrix module

Tool to calculate the lever arm matrix of a multiple dot system.

class qtcad.device.leverarm_matrix.Solver(dvc, labels, potentials, dot_region=None, pot_solver=None, solver_params=None)

Bases: Solver

This class provides a convenient way to calculate the lever arm matrix of a device containing multiple gates.

  • dvc (Device) – The device for which we want to find the lever arm matrix.

  • subdvc (Device or SubDevice) – The subdevice over which Schrödinger’s equation is solved. By default, solve over the entire device.

  • labels (list) – List of names of objects for which we want the lever arm. The object can correspond either to a boundary at which a potential \(\varphi_{a}\) is applied, or a region in which the Fermi level is shifted by \(-e\varphi_{a}\).

  • potentials (1d array) – Applied potential on each object in reference configuration.

  • dot_region (list or None) – List of region labels forming the submesh where the dot is defined and the Schrodinger calculation will be performed. If None, use the entire device.

  • pot_solver (Solver object or None, optional) – Solver that will solve for the electric/confinement potential. Possible options are the Solver objects from the poisson, schrodinger_poisson, or quantum_well modules. If None, the Non-Linear PoissonSolver is used.

  • pot_solver_params (SolverParams object) – Parameters to pass to the solver that solves for the electric/confinement potential.

  • schrod_params (SolverParams object) – Solver parameters for Schrodinger solver.

  • _submesh (SubMesh) – The submesh over which we solve Schrodinger’s equation, if any.

__init__(dvc, labels, potentials, dot_region=None, pot_solver=None, solver_params=None)

Constructor of the lever arm matrix solver.

  • dvc (Device) – The device for which we want to find the lever arm matrix.

  • labels (list) – List of names of objects for which we want the lever arm. The object can correspond either to a boundary at which a potential \(\varphi_{a}\) is applied, or a region in which the Fermi level is shifted by \(-e\varphi_{a}\).

  • potentials (1d array) – Applied potential on each object in reference configuration.

  • pot_solver (Solver object or None, optional) – Solver that will solve for the electric/confinement potential. Possible options include PoissonSolver, SPSolver, and QWSolver. If None, the Non-Linear PoissonSolver is used.

  • dot_region (list or None, optional) – List of region labels forming the submesh where the dot is defined and the Schrodinger calculation will be performed. Can also use the a list of 2 tuples specifying the oppposite corners of a box making up the dot region. If None, use the entire device.

  • solver_params (SolverParams object, optional) – Solver parameters for lever arm solver.


Gets the Device object over which Poisson was solved in the reference configuration.


Device – The Device object with Poison solved in the reference configuration.


Must be called after running the solve method.


Gets the SubDevice object over which Schrödinger was solved in the reference configuration.


SubDevice – The SubDevice object with Schrödinger solved in the reference configuration.


Must be called after running the solve method.

set_ref_potentials(potentials, verbose=True)

Sets the gate potentials in the reference configuration, and solves Poisson and Schrödinger again under updated biases.

  • potentials (1d array) – Applied potential on each object in reference configuration.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – Verbosity level. Default:True.


1d array – The energies in the reference configuration in SI units (Joules). 2d array: The wave functions in the reference configuration in SI units (\(\mathrm{m}^-3\)). First index: global node. Second index: eigenvalue index.

solve(bias_increment=1e-06, ref_only=False)

Calculates the lever arm matrix.

  • bias_increment (float, optional) – The bias increment to apply to each gate to calculate the lever arm matrix by finite difference. Default: 1e-6.

  • ref_only (bool, optional) – If True, only solves Poisson and Schrodinger in the reference configuration and skips the lever arm calculation. Default: False.


2D array – The lever arm matrix. The first index labels single-particle eigenstates. The second index labels gates or leads.

class qtcad.device.leverarm_matrix.SolverParams(inp_dict=None)

Bases: SolverParams

Parameters to pass to a lever arm solver.

  • pot_solver_params (SolverParams object) – Parameters to pass to the solver that solves for the electric/confinement potential.

  • schrod_solver_params (SolverParams object) – Parameters to pass to the Schrodinger solver.

  • pot_args (list) – Arguments to pass to the solver that solves for the electric/confinement potential.

  • pot_kw_args (dict) – Keyword arguments to pass to the solver that solves for the electric/confinement potential.


Instantiate the SolverParams object.


inp_dict (dict, optional) – Dictionary specifying certain solver parameters to be used instead of their default values.