2. Electric dipole spin resonance—Noise
2.1. Requirements
2.1.1. Software components Basic Python modules
matplotlib Specific modules
2.1.2. Python script
2.1.3. References
2.2. Briefing
In this tutorial we will demonstrate how QTCAD can be used to simulate the effects of charge noise on the dynamics of a qubit. We consider the system simulated in Electric dipole spin resonance—Dynamics as a starting point and expand upon the example to include the effects of charge noise in the simulation. Specifically we will analyze the two-(lowest-energy-)level subsystem generated in Electric dipole spin resonance—Dynamics. It is assumed that the user is familiar with basic Python and has some basic familiarity with the QuTiP python library.
The full code may be found at the bottom of this page,
or in EDSR_noise.py
2.3. Header
First, a header is written to import relevant modules.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from qtcad.device import constants as ct
import qutip
from qtcad.qubit import spectra, dynamics, noise
Compared with previous tutorials, this tutorial introduces two new modules:
spectra: Definitions of typical noise spectra (spectral density functions).
noise: Contains tools that can be useful in simulating the effects of noise.
2.4. Problem setup
Now that the relevant modules have been imported, we set up the problem.
The starting point are the system and drive Hamiltonians for the
projected 2 level system analyzed in the
example. These two operators are
stored in the h0
and u
variables on line 145 of the
example. We have copied the
contents of these variables here; in addition, we convert them into angular
frequency units through division by \(\hbar\):
# Copied here are the Hamiltonian and drive for the projected 2 level system
# analyzed in the example `MOS_EDSR.py`. The Hamiltonian and drive are stored in the
# variables h0 and u on line 145 of `MOS_EDSR.py`.
# System Hamiltonian
h0 = np.array([[1.1128812e-23, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]])
H0 = h0/ct.hbar # Rewrite in units of hbar = 1
# Drive
u = np.array([[-2.03067270e-29, 1.00561612e-27-1.10285789e-37j],
[1.00561612e-27+1.10285789e-37j, 0.+0.j]])
delta_V = u/ct.hbar # Rewrite in units of hbar = 1
We have also divided the Hamiltonians by \(\hbar\); we will be working with
units where \(\hbar=1\). We note that we have chosen a system where the excited
qubit state represents the first element of our basis and the ground
qubit state represents the second. It is also possible to pick the
opposite convention, in which case the qubit frequency will be negative
(see the next block of code). In the remainder of this tutorial, we take
to be the system Hamiltonian for a qubit, and delta_V
to be the
amplitude of a drive Hamiltonian produced by a voltage applied to some
gate. Thus, in what follows, we will analyze the dynamics of a qubit
subject to the Hamiltonian
\(H\left(t\right)=H_0 + \delta V f\left(t\right)\),
where \(f\left(t\right)\) is, as of yet, an unspecified function of time.
Next, we define the relevant frequencies/time scales of the problem.
omega = np.absolute(H0[0,0] - H0[1,1]) # qubit frequency
omega_Rabi = np.absolute(delta_V[0,1]) # Rabi frequency on resonance
T_Rabi = 2*np.pi/omega_Rabi # Rabi period
The variable omega
contains the qubit frequency. Given the
convention chosen above (excited state energy in the top left corner of
), omega
is positive. If the opposite convention were chosen
(excited state energy in the bottom right corner of H0
), omega
would be negative. We have neglected the contribution to the qubit
frequency from delta_V
, because this contribution is negligible compared
to the contribution from H0
(delta_V[0, 0]
is roughly 6 orders of
magnitude smaller than omega
). The variable omega_Rabi
the qubit Rabi frequency on resonance and T_Rabi
contains the Rabi
period which will be used to define the time scales of the problem. We
define the total simulation time to be T
(20 Rabi periods), and will
simulate the dynamics at 1000 equally spaced points from 0 to T
T = 20 * T_Rabi # Total time of the simulations
times = np.linspace(0, T, 1000) # Times at which dynamics are simulated.
Finally, in the last stage of the setup procedure, we initialize
and Noise()
objects that will provide tools to
simplify the dynamics simulations and to include noise in the problem,
# Initialize objects that will handle dynamics and noise.
dyn = dynamics.Dynamics()
N = noise.Noise()
2.5. Simple simulation - No noise
The first simulation we perform in this tutorial is a simple example in
which we take \(f\left(t\right)=\cos\left(\omega t\right)\)
(where \(\omega =\) omega
, the qubit
frequency). Thus, we simulate the dynamics for a qubit under the
influence of the Hamiltonian
\(H\left(t\right)=H_0+ \delta V \cos\left(\omega t\right)\). This
is the same example solved in Electric dipole spin resonance—Dynamics. Here, with the
help of the dyn
, the Dynamics()
object, we solve this problem in
a rotating frame. The H_RF
method—which takes as input the system
Hamiltonian, H0
, the drive Hamiltonian, delta_V
, and frequency,
—outputs the time-dependent Hamiltonian \(H\left(t\right)\), in a
frame rotating with frequency omega
around the \(z\) axis of the
qubit. We also choose an initial state psi0
and run the simulation
using the qutip.mesolve
# The Hamiltonian H = H0 + delta_V cos(omega*t) in a frame rotating
# at frequency omega.
H = dyn.H_RF(H0, delta_V, omega)
# Solve for the dynamics without any noise.
psi0 = qutip.basis(2, 0) # initial state
result0 = qutip.mesolve(H, psi0, times)
We then plot \(\braket{\sigma_z \left(t\right)}\) and \(\braket{\sigma_y \left(t\right)}\). We use
to calculate the expectation values at different
# Plot expectation values of sigma_z and sigma_y as a function of time.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2)
#<sigma_z (t)>
axes[0].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states))
#<sigma_y (t)>
axes[1].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmay(), result0.states))
# Labels
axes[0].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_y (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
The plots produced are as follows.

Fig. 2.5.4 Expectation values of \(\sigma_z`\) and \(\sigma_y`\) as a function of time.
As expected, the plots contain 20 Rabi cycles and the two plots are out of phase by an angle \(\frac{\pi}{2}\).
2.6. Generating noise
Now that we have gone through a simple example, we will generate some noise from a given spectrum and simulate how this noise affects the results presented above. The goal is therefore to generate a Hamiltonian \(H\left(t\right)=H_0 + \delta V\left[1+\beta\left(t\right)\right]\cos\left(\omega t\right)\), where \(\beta\left(t\right)\) is a stationary and ergodic Gaussian random process with vanishing mean. It represents some charge noise acting on the gate which is driving the qubit. More theoretical background on noisy EDSR is given in the subsection called A more realistic scenario: noisy electric-dipole spin resonance in the Quantum control theory section.
To generate \(\beta\left(t\right)\), we first define a spectrum for the noise.
Here we select a Lorentzian spectrum centered at \(\omega=0\) with width
equal to the Rabi frequency, omega_Rabi
. Because the process is
generated as a Fourier series, we also define a time scale T0
must be much longer than any other time scale in the problem
(\(T_0 > 20 T_{\textrm{Rabi}}\)). This time scale T0
artificially enforces some
periodicity on the noisy time series generated; however, this
periodicity should happen only over a very long time compared with the
simulation time to correctly approximate the noise process. T0
determines the resolution of the spectrum. Here we take
T0 = 50 * T_Rabi
, however this can be increased to obtain higher
quality results. For purposes of this tutorial, the value chosen for
is sufficiently large. Thus, we generate an array of Fourrier
harmonics of the process \(\beta\left(t\right)\) which are stored in wk
evaluate the Lorentzian spectrum at each of these harmonics using the
# Include charge noise which is assumed to affect only the gate which
# generates the drive delta_V.
# Lorentzian spectrum
S0 = 0.01 # Total power
wc = omega_Rabi # Cutoff frequency
w0 = 0 # Central frequency
# T0 should be much larger than the largest time scale of the problem under consideration.
# Used to properly define the Fourier series of the time series related to the noise.
T0 = 50 * T_Rabi # Must take T0 such that 2*pi/T0 << wc to resolve the spectrum
omega_max = 5*wc
wk = np.arange(0, omega_max , 2*np.pi/T0) + w0
spectrum = spectra.lorentz(wk, S0, wc, w0 = w0)
We note that this approach assumes the spectrum to be symmetric around \(\omega =0\), i.e. the noise process is a classical stochastic process. Here we plot the spectrum only for values of \(\omega >0\).
# Plot spectrum
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)
axes.plot(wk, spectrum)
axes.set_ylabel(f'$S_\\beta(\omega) \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_xlabel('$\omega \, (s^{-1})$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_title('Lorentzian spectral density', fontsize=30)

Fig. 2.6.1 Lorentzian
We also generate a random time series with noise coming from the
Lorentzian spectrum defined above. This is achieved using the
# Plot time series for the charge noise affecting the gate
# responsible for delta_V.
beta = N.gen_process(times, spectrum, wk, T0)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)
axes.plot(times, beta)
axes.set_ylabel(f'$\\beta(t)$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_xlabel('$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)

Fig. 2.6.2 beta(t)
We note that because \(\beta\left(t\right)\) is a random time series, the plot produced by running the example should be different from the time series shown here, but vary over similar time scales.
2.7. Simulation including noise
In this final section of the tutorial we will simulate the dynamics of a
qubit subject to charge noise. We will assume that this charge noise
possesses the Lorentzian spectrum defined above. To perform this
simulation, we use the dynamics
method of the Noise()
. This method takes as input the system Hamiltonian, H0
, the
drive Hamiltonian, delta_V
, the modulation frequency of the drive
Hamiltonian, omega
, the noise spectrum, spectrum
, the time
scale, T0
, the initial state, psi0
, an array of times for which
we wish to perform the simulation, times
, and an operator whose
expectation value we wish to obtain at different times—here we chose
. We also specify two optional parameters,
, the harmonics associated to the spectrum spectrum
and num_runs
the number of runs of the simulation [with different
time series \(\beta\left(t\right)\)] over which the dynamics should be averaged. Thus,
the dynamics
functions outputs the expectation value of the operator
specified (again, in a frame rotating with frequency omega
the \(z\) axis of the qubit) at each time defined by times
, averaged
over num_runs
number of runs. In other words, the dynamics
function solves for the dynamics of a qubit subject to the Hamiltonian
\(H\left(t\right)=H_0+\delta V\left[1+\beta\left(t\right)\right]\cos\left(\omega t\right)\), for multiple
realizations of the random process \(\beta\left(t\right)\) and computes the
expectation value of some operator over these multiple realizations.
In the following block of code we compute \(\braket{\sigma_z\left(t\right)}\) for 1 run and then compute \(\braket{\sigma_z\left(t\right)}\) averaged over 100 runs.
# Simulate dynamic including noise.
num_runs1 = 1 # number of runs to average over
sigz_1run = N.dynamics(H0, delta_V, omega, spectrum, T0, psi0, times,
qutip.sigmaz(), vec_omega=wk, num_runs=num_runs1)
num_runs2 = 100 # number of runs to average over
sigz_multiruns = N.dynamics(H0, delta_V, omega, spectrum, T0, psi0, times,
qutip.sigmaz(), vec_omega=wk, num_runs=num_runs2)
The results with and without noise are plotted with
# Plot dynamics
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2)
axes[0].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states),
label="Without noise")
axes[0].plot(result0.times, sigz_1run, label="With noise")
axes[1].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states),
label="Without noise")
axes[1].plot(result0.times, sigz_multiruns, label="With noise")
# Format Plots
axes[0].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_title(f'num_runs = {num_runs1}')
axes[1].set_title(f'num_runs = {num_runs2}')
axes[0].legend(loc='center left', fontsize=16)
axes[1].legend(loc='center left', fontsize=16)
which outputs

Fig. 2.7.1 dynamics with noise
As can be seen from the top plot where we have a single realization of the dynamics with noise, \(\braket{\sigma_z\left(t\right)}\) is similar (but not identical) to the dynamics in the absence of noise. Once we average \(\braket{\sigma_z\left(t\right)}\) over many realizations of the dynamics (100 in this case), we see that the signal has the same frequency as the dynamics in the absence of noise (the Rabi frequency of the qubit); however, as expected, the amplitude decays over time.
2.8. Full code
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2022-2025, Nanoacademic Technologies Inc."
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from qtcad.device import constants as ct
import qutip
from qtcad.qubit import spectra, dynamics, noise
# Copied here are the Hamiltonian and drive for the projected 2 level system
# analyzed in the example `MOS_EDSR.py`. The Hamiltonian and drive are stored in the
# variables h0 and u on line 145 of `MOS_EDSR.py`.
# System Hamiltonian
h0 = np.array([[1.1128812e-23, 0.00000000e+00],
[0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00]])
H0 = h0/ct.hbar # Rewrite in units of hbar = 1
# Drive
u = np.array([[-2.03067270e-29, 1.00561612e-27-1.10285789e-37j],
[1.00561612e-27+1.10285789e-37j, 0.+0.j]])
delta_V = u/ct.hbar # Rewrite in units of hbar = 1
omega = np.absolute(H0[0,0] - H0[1,1]) # qubit frequency
omega_Rabi = np.absolute(delta_V[0,1]) # Rabi frequency on resonance
T_Rabi = 2*np.pi/omega_Rabi # Rabi period
T = 20 * T_Rabi # Total time of the simulations
times = np.linspace(0, T, 1000) # Times at which dynamics are simulated.
# Initialize objects that will handle dynamics and noise.
dyn = dynamics.Dynamics()
N = noise.Noise()
# The Hamiltonian H = H0 + delta_V cos(omega*t) in a frame rotating
# at frequency omega.
H = dyn.H_RF(H0, delta_V, omega)
# Solve for the dynamics without any noise.
psi0 = qutip.basis(2, 0) # initial state
result0 = qutip.mesolve(H, psi0, times)
# Plot expectation values of sigma_z and sigma_y as a function of time.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2)
#<sigma_z (t)>
axes[0].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states))
#<sigma_y (t)>
axes[1].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmay(), result0.states))
# Labels
axes[0].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_y (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
# Include charge noise which is assumed to affect only the gate which
# generates the drive delta_V.
# Lorentzian spectrum
S0 = 0.01 # Total power
wc = omega_Rabi # Cutoff frequency
w0 = 0 # Central frequency
# T0 should be much larger than the largest time scale of the problem under consideration.
# Used to properly define the Fourier series of the time series related to the noise.
T0 = 50 * T_Rabi # Must take T0 such that 2*pi/T0 << wc to resolve the spectrum
omega_max = 5*wc
wk = np.arange(0, omega_max , 2*np.pi/T0) + w0
spectrum = spectra.lorentz(wk, S0, wc, w0 = w0)
# Plot spectrum
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)
axes.plot(wk, spectrum)
axes.set_ylabel(f'$S_\\beta(\omega) \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_xlabel('$\omega \, (s^{-1})$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_title('Lorentzian spectral density', fontsize=30)
# Plot time series for the charge noise affecting the gate
# responsible for delta_V.
beta = N.gen_process(times, spectrum, wk, T0)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1)
axes.plot(times, beta)
axes.set_ylabel(f'$\\beta(t)$', fontsize=20)
axes.set_xlabel('$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
# Simulate dynamic including noise.
num_runs1 = 1 # number of runs to average over
sigz_1run = N.dynamics(H0, delta_V, omega, spectrum, T0, psi0, times,
qutip.sigmaz(), vec_omega=wk, num_runs=num_runs1)
num_runs2 = 100 # number of runs to average over
sigz_multiruns = N.dynamics(H0, delta_V, omega, spectrum, T0, psi0, times,
qutip.sigmaz(), vec_omega=wk, num_runs=num_runs2)
# Plot dynamics
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2)
axes[0].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states),
label="Without noise")
axes[0].plot(result0.times, sigz_1run, label="With noise")
axes[1].plot(result0.times, qutip.expect(qutip.sigmaz(), result0.states),
label="Without noise")
axes[1].plot(result0.times, sigz_multiruns, label="With noise")
# Format Plots
axes[0].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_ylabel(f'$\left< \sigma_z (t) \\right>$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[1].set_xlabel(f'$t \, (s)$', fontsize=20)
axes[0].set_title(f'num_runs = {num_runs1}')
axes[1].set_title(f'num_runs = {num_runs2}')
axes[0].legend(loc='center left', fontsize=16)
axes[1].legend(loc='center left', fontsize=16)