2. Matlab-based Setup

To install RESCU in the MATLAB environment, start by launching MATLAB and setting the current working directory to the root directory of the RESCU package. Before making any changes, it is strongly recommended to save your current MATLAB path to ensure it can be restored if needed.

savepath folderName/pathdef.m

After that, clear the MATLAB path using the restoredefaultpath command as shown in Fig. 2.1. This prevents name space conflicts with other codes.

Fig. 2.1 Clean MATLAB path.

There are five directories in the RESCU package directory:

  1. bin RESCU binary.

  2. doc RESCU documentation.

  3. examples Input file examples.

  4. license License files.

  5. src RESCU source code.

Go to the src directory and type makeRESCU to install RESCU (as in Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2 Build RESCU.

The End User License Agreement will be displayed and you will be prompted to accept the agreement. You can directly notify RESCU of your agreement by typing makeRESCU -agreeToLicense y.


makeRESCU will try to add RESCU permanently to the MATLAB path, but you may not have the permissions to do that. MATLAB path management is explained here or you can simply type addpath /path/to/rescu/src when launching MATLAB.

RESCU is now built and needs to be activated. To activate RESCU, sign up or sign in your account on the Nanoacademic portal. Go to the product section and click on RESCU. Then click on the Start Your Free Trial button and you should see a panel like Fig. 2.3

Fig. 2.3 Generate RESCU license.

Download the file license.lic by clicking the download link and copy it in the directory $HOME/.nanoacademic/RESCU. Alternatively, you may copy it anywhere and set the environment variable RESCU_LICENSE_PATH as, say

export RESCU_LICENSE_PATH=/home/vincentm/licenses/license.lic

You can finally check that RESCU works properly by running one of the input files in the examples directory. For example,

rescu -i al_lcao_scf.input


You may have to modify the input file to let RESCU know where are the required pseudopotential files.


Instructions on more advanced configurations, including LAN and parallel installations are found in Cluster installation.