Source code for nanotools.bandstructure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2020-05-11

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from import Energy
from import solve_generic
from nanotools.solver import Solver
from nanotools.system import System
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter, ureg
import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] @attr.s class BandStructure(Base): """``BandStructure`` class. Examples:: from nanotools.bandstructure import BandStructure as BS calc = BS.from_totalenergy("nano_scf_out.json") calc.solve() fig = calc.plot_bs() # plot results fig.savefig("gaas_bs.png", dpi=600) # save fig Attributes: system: Object containing system related parameters. energy: Object containing the total energy and its derivatives (force, stress, etc.). solver: Object containing solver related parameters. """ # input is dictionary with default constructor system: System = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, System), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(System), ) # optional energy: Energy = attr.ib( factory=Energy, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Energy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Energy), ) solver: Solver = attr.ib( factory=Solver, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Solver), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Solver), ) classname: str = attr.ib() @classname.default def _classname_default_value(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __attrs_post_init__(self): # atomic system if self.system is None: raise Exception('"system" parameters not found in input file.') self.solver.eig.set_target_irange( ispin=self.system.hamiltonian.ispin, valence_charge=self.system.atoms.valence_charge, n_orb=self.system.atoms.get_number_of_orbitals(), ) @classmethod def from_totalenergy(cls, totalenergy, **kwargs): if isinstance(totalenergy, TotalEnergy): pass else: totalenergy = sys = totalenergy.system.copy() sys.set_kpoint_path() calc = cls(sys, solver=totalenergy.solver, **kwargs) = # = return calc
[docs] def plot_bs(self, filename=None, show=True): """Generates a plot of the band structure. Args: filename (str, optional): If not None, then the figure is saved to filename. show (bool, optional): If True block and show figure. If False, do not show figure. Returns: fig (:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): A figure handle. """ fig = plot_bs_driver(, self.system.hamiltonian, self.system.kpoint, filename=filename, show=show, )
[docs] def solve(self, input="nano_bs_in", output="nano_bs_out"): """ Perform a self-consistent calculation calling ``rescuplus``. Args: filename (str): The object is saved to an input file ``filename`` which is read by ``rescuplus``. output (str): The results (with various extensions) are moved to files ``output`` and the results are loaded to the object. """ self._check_bs() output = solve_generic(self, "bs", input, output) self._update(output + ".json")
def _check_bs(self): if self.system.kpoint.type != "line": raise ValueError( "system.kpoint.type must be set to line for a dos calculation." )
[docs] def plot_bs_driver(energy, hamiltonian, kpoint, weights=None, filename=None, show=True): """Generates a plot of the band structure. Args: energy (Energy): Energy object containing the eigenvalues. hamiltonian (Hamiltonian): Hamiltonian object containing the spin treatment level. kpoint (Kpoint): Kpoint object containing the high-symmetry points, k-point coordinates and indices. weights (NDArray, optional): Array of weights, commensurate with energy.eigenvalues. If weights is not None, then bands have a width varying between 0 and .1 eV modulated by weights. This is used to plot spectral functions among other things. filename (str, optional): If not None, then the figure is saved to filename. show (bool, optional): If True block and show figure. If False, do not show figure. Returns: fig (:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): A figure handle. """ fig = plt.figure() ispin = hamiltonian.ispin ns = hamiltonian.get_spin_num() ylim = Quantity.from_list( [energy.efermi - 5.0 * ureg.eV, energy.efermi + 5.0 * ureg.eV] ) ylim = efermi = linespecs = ["-b", "--r"] shadspecs = ["b", "r"] if ispin == 2: legends = ["spin-up", "spin-down"] else: legends = ["total"] for s in range(ns): eigenvalues = energy.eigenvalues[:, :, s].m.T if weights is not None: sf = weights[:, :, s].T # extract labels chpts = list(kpoint.special_points) labels = kpoint.get_special_points_labels() # labels = kpoint.kpt_2_label(self.system.cell.copy(), fractional_coordinates) # remove doublons (e.g. 'X' following 'X') for i in range(0, len(chpts) - 1): if chpts[i] + 1 == chpts[i + 1] and labels[i] == labels[i + 1]: j = chpts[i] eigenvalues = np.delete(eigenvalues, j, axis=0) if weights is not None: sf = np.delete(sf, j, axis=0) del chpts[i] del labels[i] for k in range(i, len(chpts)): chpts[k] = chpts[k] - 1 if i + 2 >= len(chpts): break # plot x = np.arange(0, eigenvalues.shape[0]) if weights is None: plt.plot(x, eigenvalues[:, 0:1], linespecs[s], label=legends[s]) plt.plot(x, eigenvalues[:, 1::], linespecs[s], label="_nolegend_") else: linewidth = 0.1 # in eV for j in range(0, eigenvalues.shape[1]): plt.fill_between( x, eigenvalues[:, j] - sf[:, j] / 2 * linewidth, eigenvalues[:, j] + sf[:, j] / 2 * linewidth, facecolor=shadspecs[s], alpha=1.0, label="_nolegend_", ) ef = np.ones(eigenvalues.shape[0]) * efermi plt.plot(ef, "--k", label="Efermi") plt.ylim(ylim) plt.legend(loc="upper right") plt.xlabel(f"BZ ({kpoint.bvec.u})") plt.ylabel(f"Energy ({energy.eigenvalues.u})") plt.xticks(chpts, labels) plt.grid(axis="x") if show: if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) return fig