Source code for nanotools.current

"""Two-probe transport calculator."""

import attr
from attr import field
import numpy as np
from nanotools.transmission import Transmission
from nanotools.utils import fermi_dirac
from nanotools.base import Quantity
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg

[docs] @attr.s class Current(Transmission): """ The ``Current`` class manages the workflow of calculating charge currents in a two-probe system. Attributes: Iup: spin-up charge current temperature """ Iup: float = attr.ib(default=0.0) Idw: float = attr.ib(default=0.0) temperature: Quantity = field( default=to_quantity(300.0, "kelvin"), converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "kelvin")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) def solve(self, T=None): self.calc_charge_current(T=T)
[docs] def calc_charge_current(self, T=None): """ Calculates charge current. This method first computes the transmission of the given two-probe system, and then integrates across the bias window (Landauer-Büttiker formula) to get the current. This method triggers the ``nanodcalplus`` executable. Args: T (float): temperature Returns: I, unit (tuple[float, string]): total current and its physical unit. Iup, Idw, unit (tuple[float, float, string]): spin-resolved currents in the collinear spin case, and the unit. """ self.set_units("si") kb = 8.617333262e-5 * ureg.eV / ureg.kelvin if T is not None: self.temperature = to_quantity(T, "kelvin") bias_e = low = min(0.0, bias_e) - 10 * kb * self.temperature hig = max(0.0, bias_e) + 10 * kb * self.temperature nreal = max(20, egrid = np.linspace(low, hig, num=nreal) self.calc_transmission(energies=egrid) return self.get_charge_current()
[docs] def get_charge_current(self, T=None): """Calculate charge current. When calling this method, the transmission calculation is assumed complete already. This method integrates the transmission across the bias window (Landauer-Büttiker formula) to get the current. Args: T (float): temperature Returns: I, unit (tuple[float,string]): total current and its physical unit. Iup, Idw, unit (tuple[float,float,string]): spin-resolved currents in the collinear spin case, and the unit. """ self.set_units("si") if T is not None: self.temperature = to_quantity(T, "kelvin") bias = dims = np.array([0, 1, 2]) dims = dims[dims != self.transport_axis] # dimensions of cross section bc = np.array( bc = bc[2 * dims] v0 =[dims[0], :] v1 =[dims[1], :] if bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] == 0: v0v1 = np.cross(v0, v1) crossec = np.sqrt(, v0v1)) elif bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] != 0: crossec = np.sqrt(, v0)) elif bc[0] != 0 and bc[1] == 0: crossec = np.sqrt(, v1)) else: crossec = 1.0 if bias.magnitude == 0.0: return 0 * ureg.ampere / crossec # caveat: not true for thermoelectric if < 2: print("Warning: not enough energy points.") return 0 * ureg.ampere / crossec T = self.temperature eFl = 0.0 * ureg.eV # left (source) fermi energy eFr = -bias # right (drain) fermi energy en = df = for i in range(df.size): df[i] = fermi_dirac(en[i] - eFr, T) - fermi_dirac(en[i] - eFl, T) # energy integration e2h = 3.87404585e-5 # e ** 2/h dE = (en[1] - en[0]).magnitude tr = df[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] * self.dos.transmission # (e,k,s) tr = np.sum(tr, axis=0) # (k,s) tr = tr * (dE * e2h / crossec) * ureg.ampere # k integration kwght = np.array( trup = tr[:, 0] # spin up self.Iup = np.sum(trup * kwght) if tr.shape[1] > 1: trdw = tr[:, 1] # spin down self.Idw = np.sum(trdw * kwght) ispin = if ispin == 1: return self.Iup * 2 elif ispin == 2: return self.Iup, self.Idw elif ispin == 4: return self.Iup else: raise TypeError("invalid ispin")