Source code for nanotools.dielectric

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2021-06-08

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

from attr import field
from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter
import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

[docs] @attr.s class DielectricConstant(Base): """``DielectricConstant`` class. Examples:: from nanotools import Atoms, Cell, System, TotalEnergy from nanotools.dielectric import DielectricConstant a = 3.562 cell = Cell(avec=[[a,0.,0.],[0.,a,0.],[0.,0.,a]], resolution=0.15) atoms = Atoms(fractional_positions="diamond.fxyz") sys = System(cell=cell, atoms=atoms) sys.supercell([4,1,1]) ecalc = TotalEnergy(sys) ecalc.solver.set_mpi_command("mpiexec -n 16") calc = DielectricConstant(ecalc, axis=0, amplitude=0.1) calc.solve() Attributes: amplitude: Sawtooth potential amplitude. axis: Direction of the sawtooth potential ([0,1,2] == [x,y,z]). external_calculator: Stores the calculator under external field. dielectric_constant: Dielectric constant. reference_calculator: Total energy calculator. """ # input is dictionary with default constructor reference_calculator: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy), ) amplitude: Quantity = field( default=1.0 * ureg.eV, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) axis: int = attr.ib( default=2, converter=int, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int) ) dielectric_constant = attr.ib(default=None) external_calculator = attr.ib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.external_calculator is not None: s = self.external_calculator if isinstance(s, dict): self.external_calculator = TotalEnergy(**s) elif not isinstance(s, TotalEnergy): raise Exception("Invalid TotalEnergy calculators.") def get_dielectric_constant(self): if self.dielectric_constant is None: print("computing dielectric constant...") dv = self._get_pot_delta().m vext = self._get_vext().m eext = self.external_calculator axis = self.axis x = eext.system.cell.get_grid(axis=axis) lx = eext.system.cell.get_length(axis=axis) u = (x / lx).to("dimensionless").m ind = np.logical_and(1 / 6 < u, u < 2 / 6) ind = np.logical_and(1 / 6 < u, u < 2 / 6) sleft = np.polyfit(u[ind], vext[ind], 1) tleft = np.polyfit(u[ind], dv[ind], 1) die1 = sleft[0] / tleft[0] ind = np.logical_and(4 / 6 < u, u < 5 / 6) sright = np.polyfit(u[ind], vext[ind], 1) tright = np.polyfit(u[ind], dv[ind], 1) die2 = sright[0] / tright[0] self.dielectric_constant = 0.5 * (die1 + die2) return self.dielectric_constant
[docs] def plot_external_potential(self, filename=None, show=True): """Generates a plot of the external potential (+screened potential). Args: filename (str, optional): If not None, then the figure is saved to filename. show (bool, optional): If True block and show figure. If False, do not show figure. Returns: fig (:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): A figure handle. """ axis = self.axis dv = self._get_pot_delta().m vext = self._get_vext().m eext = self.external_calculator x = eext.system.cell.get_grid(axis=axis) lx = eext.system.cell.get_length(axis=axis) u = x / lx fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x, vext) plt.plot(x, dv) plt.xticks(np.arange(7) / 6 * lx.m) plt.grid(axis="x") plt.xlabel("position (" + str(eext.system.cell.avec.u) + ")") plt.ylabel("field average (eV)") if show: if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
def solve(self): self.reference_calculator.solve(output="nano_die_scf_ref") self.external_calculator = self.reference_calculator.copy() extpot = self.external_calculator.system.hamiltonian.extpot extpot.shape = "sawtooth" extpot.amplitude = self.amplitude extpot.axis = self.axis self.external_calculator.system.hamiltonian.extpot = extpot self.external_calculator.solve(output="nano_die_scf_ext") self.write("nano_die_out.json") def _get_vext(self): axis = self.axis eext = self.external_calculator vext = eext.get_average_field("potential/external", axis) return vext def _get_pot_delta(self): axis = self.axis eref = self.reference_calculator v0 = eref.get_average_field("potential/effective", axis) eext = self.external_calculator v1 = eext.get_average_field("potential/effective", axis) dv = v1 - v0 return dv