Source code for nanotools.jsonio

from pathlib import Path
from nanotools.utils import Quantity, ureg
import io
import json
import numpy as np
import toml

def json_decoder(obj, ignore: list = None):
    if ignore is None:
        ignore = []
    if "__class__" in obj:
        if "Quantity" not in ignore and obj["__class__"] == "Quantity":
            return obj["magnitude"] * ureg(obj["units"])
        if "ndarray" not in ignore and obj["__class__"] == "ndarray":
            array = np.array(obj["array"]).reshape(tuple(obj["shape"]), order="F")
            if "iscomplex" not in obj.keys():
                return array
            if obj["iscomplex"]:
                return array + 1.0j * np.array(obj["imag"]).reshape(
                    tuple(obj["shape"]), order="F"
                return array
    return obj

def json_read(filename):
    if isinstance(filename, io.TextIOWrapper):
        path = Path(
        path = Path(filename)
    if not path.exists():
        raise FileNotFoundError
    with as fid:
        if path.suffix == ".json":
            adict = json.load(fid, object_hook=json_decoder)
        elif path.suffix == ".toml":
            adict = toml.load(fid)
                f"WARNING: Unknown extension {path.suffix}, attempting to load as json file."
            adict = json.load(fid, object_hook=json_decoder)
    return adict

def json_write(filename, adict):
    if isinstance(filename, io.TextIOWrapper):
        path = Path(
        path = Path(filename)
    with"w") as fid:
        json.dump(adict, fid, indent=2, sort_keys=True, cls=SpecialCaseEncoder)

[docs] class SpecialCaseEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, Quantity): return dict( __class__="Quantity", magnitude=obj.m, units=str(obj.u), ) if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): d = dict( __class__="ndarray", iscomplex=np.iscomplexobj(obj), ndim=obj.ndim, shape=obj.shape, array=np.real(obj).flatten(order="F").tolist(), ) if d["iscomplex"]: d["imag"] = np.imag(obj).flatten(order="F").tolist() return d if isinstance(obj, Path): return obj.resolve().as_posix() try: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) except TypeError: print("Warning: TypeError in JSONEncoder. Pass.")