Source code for nanotools.kpoint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines the ``Kpoint`` class."""

from attr import field
from nanotools.cell import Cell
from import (
from nptyping import NDArray
from nanotools.base import Base
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, Quantity, ureg
import attr
import numpy as np

def converter_bvec(x):
    shape = (3, 3)
    return to_quantity(x, "1 / angstrom", allow_none=True, shape=shape)

def converter_fractional_coordinates(x):
    if x is None:
        return x
    return np.array(x).reshape((-1, 3), order="F")

[docs] @attr.s class Kpoint(Base): """``Kpoint`` class. The ``Kpoint`` class defines parameters related to k-sampling. Attributes: bvec (2D array): Array of row-reciprocal-vectors. special_points (list of strings): special_points specifies k-points (typically high-symmetry k-points) defining the line which samples the Brillouin zone. A line going through all such k-points is generated and discretized using ``system.kpoint. grid`` points or a resolution of 0.015 $\mathring{\text{A}}^{-1}$ is used. This keyword can be a list of labels, ``['L','G','X']``, a list of lists (or array), ``[[.5, .5, .5], [.0, .0, .0], [.5, .0, .5]]``, or a mix of the two. Examples:: kpoint.special_points = ['L','G','X'] gamma_centered (bool): gamma_centered equal True induces a shift of the Monkhorst-Pack mesh such that a point lies at $\Gamma$. Examples:: kpoint.gamma_centered = True grid (1D array): ``grid`` is a size-3 array giving the number of points along each direction in the Brillouin zone discretization. The `Monkhorst-Pack scheme <https://>`_ is used . In linear band structure calculations, ``grid`` is a size-1 array giving the total number of points. The points are distributed as uniformly as possible. Note that a line such as ["L", "G", "X", "W"] is always decomposed into segments [["L", "G"], ["G", "X"], ["X", "W"]]. Since "G" and "X" are duplicated, if grid is set to 20, internal quantities like ``kpoint.fractional_coordinates`` will have size 22 in the k-point axis. Examples:: kpoint.grid = [4 4 4] fractional_coordinates (2D array): fractional_coordinates contains row-vectors giving the fractional coordinates of the k-points. ``fractional_coordinates`` has precedence over Monkhors-Pack mesh generation and linear k-point sampling. Examples:: kpoint.fractional_coordinates = [0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25,-0.25] kwght (1D array): weight of each k-point. Examples:: kpoint.kwght = [6;2] type (string): type equal "full" will sample the entire Brillouin zone (most calculations use this, e.g. self-consistent); ``type`` equal "line" will sample high-symmetry edges of the Brillouin zone (as in linear band structure calculations). Examples:: kpoint.type = "full" """ bvec: Quantity = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_bvec), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity)), ) special_points = field(default=None) gamma_centered: bool = field( default=False, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool), ) grid: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(np.array), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) fractional_coordinates: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_fractional_coordinates), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) kwght: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: np.array(x).ravel(order="F")), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) shift: NDArray = field( default=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]), converter=attr.converters.optional(np.array), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) resolution: Quantity = field( default=0.35 / ureg.angstrom, converter=lambda x: to_quantity(x, "1 / angstrom"), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ) type: str = field( default="full", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): pass def _get_bz_dist(self, kpt0, kpt1): dist = np.matmul(kpt1 - kpt0, self.bvec) return np.linalg.norm(dist.m) * dist.u def _get_bz_segment(self, kpt0, kpt1, n=None, res=None): if n is None and res is None: raise Exception("n or resolution must be specified.") if n is not None: kpts = np.zeros((n, 3)) kpts[:, 0] = np.linspace(kpt0[0], kpt1[0], n) kpts[:, 1] = np.linspace(kpt0[1], kpt1[1], n) kpts[:, 2] = np.linspace(kpt0[2], kpt1[2], n) else: dist = self._get_bz_dist(kpt0, kpt1) n = np.ceil(dist / res).to("dimensionless") n = int(n.m) kpts = self._get_bz_segment(kpt0, kpt1, n=n) return kpts def _get_cell(self): avec = 2.0 * np.pi * np.linalg.inv(self.bvec.m).T / self.bvec.u return Cell(avec=avec, grid=[1, 1, 1]) def get_grid(self): if self.type != "full": raise Exception('Missing implementation type != "full"') if self.grid is None: ls = self.get_lengths() grid = np.round(ls / self.resolution) grid.ito("dimensionless") grid = grid.m.astype(int) self.grid = np.maximum(grid, 1) return self.grid
[docs] def get_cartesian_coordinates(self): """Computes the k-points Cartesian coordinates.""" return np.matmul(self.get_fractional_coordinates(), self.bvec)
[docs] def get_fractional_coordinates(self): """Computes the k-points Cartesian coordinates.""" return self.fractional_coordinates
[docs] def get_special_points_labels(self): """Computes the k-points Cartesian coordinates.""" fractional_coordinates = self.get_fractional_coordinates()[ self.special_points, : ] return self.kpt_2_label(self._get_cell(), fractional_coordinates)
[docs] def get_kpoint_num(self): """Returns the number of k-points.""" if self.fractional_coordinates is not None: nkpt = self.fractional_coordinates.shape[0] elif self.grid is not None: nkpt = else: raise Exception("Invalid type for attribute fractional_coordinates.") return nkpt
def get_lengths(self): cell = Cell(avec=self.bvec, resolution=1.0 * self.bvec.u) return cell.get_lengths() def kpt_2_label(self, cell, kpts): if cell.bravais is None: cell.bravais = cell.get_bravais_lattice() bravais = cell.bravais avec = cell.avec.m avecStd = cell.get_standard_lattice() pmat = np.matmul(avecStd, np.linalg.inv(avec)).transpose() labels = [] for i in range(0, len(kpts)): k = np.matmul(kpts[i], pmat) labels.append(kValue2kSymbol(bravais, avecStd, k)) return labels # def refine(self, target=None): # res0 = self.resolution # grd0 = np.array(self.grid) # grd = grd0 # if target is None: # target = grd0 # while np.all(target >= grd): # self.resolution *= 0.99 # self.grid = None # grd = self.get_grid() # self.set_fractional_coordinates(fractional_coordinates=None)
[docs] def set_bvec(self, cell): """Sets the reciprocal lattice data from a ``Cell`` object. Args: cell: A ``Cell`` object. """ self.bvec = cell.reciprocal() # update grid/res if self.type == "full": if self.grid is None: self.get_grid() if self.resolution is None: self.resolution = np.average(self.get_lengths() / self.grid)
[docs] def set_cartesian_coordinates(self, cartesian_coordinates, kwght=None): """Sets ``fractional_coordinates`` given Cartesian coordinates and optionally the k-point weights.""" if self.bvec is None: raise Exception("bvec attribute is undefined.") cartesian_coordinates = to_quantity(cartesian_coordinates, allow_none=False) fractional_coordinates = ( cartesian_coordinates @ np.linalg.inv(self.bvec.m) ) / self.bvec.u fractional_coordinates ="dimensionless").m self.set_fractional_coordinates( fractional_coordinates=fractional_coordinates, kwght=kwght )
[docs] def set_fractional_coordinates(self, fractional_coordinates=None, kwght=None): """Sets ``fractional_coordinates`` given fractional coordinates and optionally the k-point weights.""" self.fractional_coordinates = converter_fractional_coordinates( fractional_coordinates ) if self.fractional_coordinates is None: if self.type == "full": self.get_grid() self.set_grid(self.grid, shift=self.shift) elif self.type == "line": self.set_kpoint_path() else: raise Exception(f"Invalid value {self.type} for attribute type.") else: if != self.get_kpoint_num(): self.grid = np.array([self.get_kpoint_num()]) if ( == 1 and np.sum(np.abs(self.fractional_coordinates)) > 0 ): self.grid = np.array([self.get_kpoint_num()]) self.set_kwght(kwght)
[docs] def set_kwght(self, kwght=None): """Sets the k-point weights.""" self.kwght = kwght if self.kwght is None: nkpt = self.get_kpoint_num() self.kwght = np.ones(nkpt) / nkpt if self.fractional_coordinates is not None: if len(self.kwght) != self.get_kpoint_num(): raise Exception( "kwght and fractional_coordinates have incompatible dimensions." ) if self.kwght is not None: if not np.isclose(1.0, np.sum(self.kwght)): raise Exception("kwght does not sum to 1.")
[docs] def set_kpoint_path(self, special_points=None, grid=None): """Compute k-point coordinates along the line specified in ``Kpoint`` object.""" if self.type != "line": self.__init__(bvec=self.bvec, type="line") self.grid = grid if self.grid is not None: self.grid = np.array(self.grid) self.special_points = special_points cell = self._get_cell() bravais = cell.get_bravais_lattice() avecStd = cell.get_standard_lattice() avec = cell.avec.m pmat = np.matmul(avec, np.linalg.inv(avecStd)).transpose() # define checkpoints if self.special_points is None: special_points = defaultSymmetryKPoints(bravais, avecStd) else: special_points = self.special_points # get line segments special_points = split_bz_lines(special_points) # convert to numerical format for i in range(0, len(special_points)): kpt0 = kSymbol2kValue( bravais, avecStd, special_points[i][0] ) # checkPoint returned as is if not a str if isinstance(special_points[i][0], str): kpt0 = np.matmul(kpt0, pmat) kpt1 = kSymbol2kValue( bravais, avecStd, special_points[i][1] ) # checkPoint returned as is if not a str if isinstance(special_points[i][1], str): kpt1 = np.matmul(kpt1, pmat) special_points[i] = [kpt0, kpt1] # get total length klen = 0.0 for i in range(0, len(special_points)): kpt0 = special_points[i][0] kpt1 = special_points[i][1] klen += self._get_bz_dist(kpt0, kpt1) # get resolution if self.grid is not None: res = klen / self.grid else: res = 0.025 / ureg.angstrom # ang^-1 # interpolate between checkpoints to obtain segments fractional_coordinates = np.zeros((0, 3)) count = 0 checkIndex = np.zeros(2 * len(special_points)).astype(int) for i in range(0, len(special_points)): kpt0 = special_points[i][0] kpt1 = special_points[i][1] ktmp = self._get_bz_segment(kpt0, kpt1, res=res) fractional_coordinates = np.concatenate( (fractional_coordinates, ktmp), axis=0 ) checkIndex[2 * i] = count checkIndex[2 * i + 1] = count + ktmp.shape[0] - 1 count = checkIndex[2 * i + 1] + 1 self.fractional_coordinates = fractional_coordinates nkpt = fractional_coordinates.shape[0] self.set_kwght(kwght=None) self.grid = np.array([nkpt]) self.special_points = checkIndex
[docs] def set_grid(self, grid, shift=None, gamma_centered=None): """Defines the k-points given a grid size or shape. If the k-point object is of type "full", then the ``grid`` argument is expected to be a 3-element array. The k-point coordinates and weights are reinitialized accordingly. If the k-point object is of type "line", then the ``grid`` argument is expected to be an integer. The k-point coordinates are regenerate along a path going around the Brillouin zone. Args: grid (1D array or int): Shape or size of the k-point grid or path. """ if self.type == "full": if grid is not None and len(grid) != 3: raise ValueError( "grid should be a 3-element vector for a Kpoint object of type 'full'." ) if shift is not None and len(shift) != 3: raise ValueError( "shift should be a 3-element vector for a Kpoint object of type 'full'." ) self.grid = np.array(grid) self.resolution = np.average(self.get_lengths() / self.grid) fractional_coordinates = monkhorst_pack(self.grid) if gamma_centered is not None: self.gamma_centered = gamma_centered elif shift is not None: self.gamma_centered = False self.shift = np.array(shift) if isinstance(self.gamma_centered, bool): if self.gamma_centered: self.shift = np.mod(self.grid + 1, 2) / 2.0 self.fractional_coordinates = fractional_coordinates + ( self.shift / self.grid ) self.set_kwght(kwght=None) elif self.type == "line": if grid is not None and len(grid) != 1: raise ValueError( "Grid should be a 1-element vector for a Kpoint object of type 'line'." ) self.grid = np.array(grid) self.set_kpoint_path(grid=grid) else: raise ValueError("Type attribute must be set to full.")
[docs] def set_type(self, type): """Sets the type of the k-point object. The type can be either "full", for a self-consistent or DOS calculation for instance, or "line" for a band structure calculation. Args: type (string): Type of the k-point object. """ reset = self.type != type self.type = type if reset: self.__init__(bvec=self.bvec, type=self.type) self.set_grid(self.grid, shift=self.shift)
#################### # module functions # #################### def monkhorst_pack(grid): kx = monkhorst_pack_nodes(grid[0]) ky = monkhorst_pack_nodes(grid[1]) kz = monkhorst_pack_nodes(grid[2]) kx, ky, kz = np.meshgrid(kx, ky, kz, indexing="ij") fractional_coordinates = np.hstack( ( kx.reshape((-1, 1), order="F"), ky.reshape((-1, 1), order="F"), kz.reshape((-1, 1), order="F"), ) ) return fractional_coordinates def monkhorst_pack_nodes(n): k = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num=n + 1)[0:n] if n % 2 == 0: k += 0.5 / n k -= np.round(k) return k def split_bz_lines(special_points): if is_row_vector(special_points[0], len=3): return split_bz_lines([special_points]) if not isinstance(special_points[0], list): return split_bz_lines([special_points]) newlist = [] for i in range(0, len(special_points)): newlist = newlist + split_list(special_points[i]) return newlist def split_list(alist): newlist = [] for i in range(0, len(alist) - 1): newlist.append(alist[i : i + 2]) return newlist def increase_ksampling(k, kref): k0 = k kw = np.array(kref).astype(float) while all([a >= b for a, b in zip(k0, k)]): kw *= 1.1 k = np.round(kw).astype(int).tolist() return k