Source code for nanotools.species

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines the ``Species`` class."""

from pathlib import Path
from nanotools.aobasis import NaoBasis
from nanotools.base import Base
from nanotools.orb import RadFunc
from nanotools.pspot import Pspot
from nanotools.utils import get_chemical_symbols, load_dcal
from scipy.integrate import simpson as simps
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import attr
import copy
import numpy as np
import os
import warnings

[docs] @attr.s class Species(Base): """``Species`` class. The ``Species`` class stores various parameters and data pertaining to atomic species. It contains notably: - Labels. - Paths to pseudopotential files. - Atomic orbital basis functions. - Pseudopotentials. The species fields is initialized from a list of dictionaries as follows:: system.atoms.species = [{"label": "Ga", "path": "Ga_AtomicData.mat"}, {"label": "As", "path": "As_AtomicData.mat"}] A label tags each species and a path defines an atomic orbital basis and a pseudopotential. Attributes: label (string): Species label (e.g. "Si1", "Au_surf"). pseudo_preferences (list): Preferences for the pseudopotential atomic orbital basis when there are multiple basis sets available in the database folder. Default: [{"default" : {"xc": "PBE", "type": "OV", "precision": "DZP"}}] If one wants to use the default values, there is no need to add anything to the Atoms object. Alternatively, one can use "atoms = Atoms(fractional_positions=fxyz, formula="GaAs", pseudo_preferences=["default"])". If one wants to modify the pseudo preferences, use instead e.g. "preferences = [{"Ga": {"xc": "LDA", "precision": "TZP"}}, {"As": {"precision": "SZP"}}]". Then initialize Atoms with "atoms = Atoms(fractional_positions=fxyz, formula="GaAs", pseudo_preferences=preferences)". Explanation of terms: - "xc": Exchange-correlation functional used in the pseudopotentials. - "type": Type of pseudopotential, e.g., "OV" for "Optimized Norm-Conserving Vanderbilt", "TM" for "Troullier-Martin". - "precision": Level of precision for the basis set, e.g., "DZP" for "Double Zeta Polarization", "TZP" for " Triple Zeta Polarization". charge (float): Electron charge. mass (float): Atomic mass. total_magnetic_moment (float): Magnetic moment (Cartesian). magrad (float): Magnetic "radius" (for mag. moment integration). alphaZ (float): Long-range energy correction (depends on unit cell volume). psp (float): Pseudopotential. aob (float): Atomic orbital basis. rna (float): Neutral atom valence density (short-range). vna (float): Neutral atom potential (short-range). """ label: str = attr.ib() pseudo_preferences: list = None path: str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(str)), ) alphaZ: float = attr.ib(default=None) charge = attr.ib(default=None) mass = attr.ib(default=None) total_magnetic_moment: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float) ) magrad: float = attr.ib( default=1.2, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float) ) psp = attr.ib(default=None) aob = attr.ib(default=None) rna = attr.ib(default=None) vna = attr.ib(default=None) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.path is None: n = 0 if n == 0: # search cwd first path = Path(os.getcwd()) n = self._find_path_from_dir(path, PSPref=self.pseudo_preferences) if n == 0 and "NANODCALPLUS_PSEUDO" in os.environ: # search NANODCALPLUS_PSEUDO path = Path(os.environ["NANODCALPLUS_PSEUDO"]) n = self._find_path_from_dir(path, PSPref=self.pseudo_preferences) if n == 0 and "RESCUPLUS_PSEUDO" in os.environ: # search RESCUPLUS_PSEUDO path = Path(os.environ["RESCUPLUS_PSEUDO"]) n = self._find_path_from_dir(path, PSPref=self.pseudo_preferences) if n > 1: warnings.warn( f"""\nFound more than one pseudopotential file for element {self.label}. nanotools decides to use {self.path}. Check your atomic label (species.label), pseudopotential names, or pseudopotential path (NANODCALPLUS_PSEUDO/RESCUPLUS_PSEUDO), if this is not what you want.""" ) if self.path is None: warnings.warn( "Cannot find pseudopotential file.\nSpecify path, set NANODCALPLUS_PSEUDO/RESCUPLUS_PSEUDO or set up correctly pseudo preference." ) return self._init_pseudo() @classmethod def init_default_pseudo_preferences(cls, default_pseudo_preferences): cls.pseudo_preferences = default_pseudo_preferences @classmethod def init_from_pseudo_preferences( cls, default_pseudo_preferences, pseudo_preferences ): cls.pseudo_preferences = pseudo_preferences updated_preferences = [] for user_prefs_dict in cls.pseudo_preferences: updated_prefs_dict = {} for element, prefs in user_prefs_dict.items(): default_prefs = default_pseudo_preferences[0].get("default", {}) updated_prefs_dict[element] = { "xc": prefs.get("xc", default_prefs.get("xc", "PBE")), "type": prefs.get("type", default_prefs.get("type", "OV")), "precision": prefs.get( "precision", default_prefs.get("precision", "DZP") ), } updated_preferences.append(updated_prefs_dict) cls.pseudo_preferences = updated_preferences
[docs] def get_number_of_orbitals(self): """Returns the number of orbitals.""" return self.aob.get_number_of_orbitals()
def _set_path(self, path): path = Path(path) if not path.exists(): raise Exception(f"Pseudopotential file {path} does not exist.") self.path = str(path) self._init_pseudo() def _init_pseudo(self): # do not update fields if they are found self._init_aob() self._init_psp() self._init_rna() self._init_vna() self.alphaZ = calcAlphaZ(self.psp.vlc.rgrid, self.psp.vlc.rvals, self.psp.Z) if self.charge is None: self.charge = self.psp.Z def get_path(self): return self.path def _find_path_from_dir(self, dir, PSPref): p = dir.glob("*") # p = path.glob('**/*') files = [x for x in p if x.is_file()] label = label_to_symbol(self.label) n = 0 if files: for f in files: if label_to_symbol(, ignore_errors=True) == label: try: load_dcal(f, varname=None) n += 1 self.path = str(f) except: continue else: files_in_subdirectories = dir.rglob("*[.]mat") file_list = list(files_in_subdirectories) basis_exist = True label_target = set() for file_path in file_list: if label_to_symbol(, ignore_errors=True) == label: try: load_dcal(file_path, varname=None) label_found = any( label in prefs_dict.keys() for prefs_dict in PSPref ) if label_found: # print("user defined pseudo preferences") matching_dict = next( (d for d in PSPref if label in d), None ) if matching_dict: xc_value = matching_dict[label].get("xc") type_value = matching_dict[label].get("type") precision_value = matching_dict[label].get("precision") if all( substring in str(file_path).split("/")[-1] for substring in [ xc_value, type_value, precision_value, ] ): # print(file_path) self.path = str(file_path) else: # print("default pseudo preferences") if "default" in PSPref[0]: default_prefs = PSPref[0].get("default", {}) xc_value = default_prefs.get("xc") type_value = default_prefs.get("type") precision_value = default_prefs.get("precision") if label in lanthanides: precision_value = "TZP" if all( substring in str(file_path).split("/")[-1] for substring in [ xc_value, type_value, precision_value, ] ): # print(file_path) self.path = str(file_path) else: xc_value = "PBE" type_value = "OV" precision_value = "DZP" if label in lanthanides: precision_value = "TZP" if all( substring in str(file_path).split("/")[-1] for substring in [ xc_value, type_value, precision_value, ] ): print( f"No pseudo preference for {label}, use default {str(file_path).split('/')[-1]}" ) # print(file_path) self.path = str(file_path) except: continue if not self.path: basis_exist = False label_target.add(label) if not basis_exist: print( f"Did not find any basis for {label} with the given pseudo preference. available basis:" ) for file_path in file_list: for l_t in list(label_target): if label_to_symbol(, ignore_errors=True) == l_t: print(str(file_path).split("/")[-1]) return n def _init_aob(self): if not isinstance(self.aob, dict): self.aob = {"path": self.path} elif "path" not in self.aob.keys(): self.aob["path"] = self.path if set(["path", "symbol", "varname"]).issubset(set(self.aob.keys())): self.aob = NaoBasis(**self.aob) else: self.aob = NaoBasis( path=self.aob["path"], symbol=self.aob.get("symbol", None), varname="OrbitalSet", ) def _init_psp(self): if not isinstance(self.psp, dict): self.psp = {"path": self.path} elif "path" not in self.psp.keys(): self.psp["path"] = self.path self.psp = Pspot(**self.psp) def _init_rna(self): if isinstance(self.rna, dict) and "path" in self.rna.keys(): self.rna = RadFunc(**self.rna) else: self.rna = RadFunc(path=self.path, varname="Rna") def _init_vna(self): if isinstance(self.vna, dict) and "path" in self.vna.keys(): self.vna = RadFunc(**self.vna) else: self.vna = RadFunc(path=self.path, varname="Vna") def _init_vso(self): self.psp._init_vso() def _rm_vso(self): if isinstance(self.psp, Pspot): self.psp._rm_vso()
[docs] def to_vacuum(self): """Convert a species to its equivalent vacuum species. A vacuum species has zero pseudopotential but retains an atomic orbital basis. """ va = copy.deepcopy(self) va.path = "" va.label += "_Va" va.alphaZ = 0.0 va.charge = 0.0 va.mass = 0.0 va.total_magnetic_moment = 0.0 va.aob.to_vacuum() va.psp.to_vacuum() va.rna.zero_out() va.vna.zero_out() return va
def get_path(adict): if "path" not in adict.keys(): raise Exception("Input file is missing a value for parameter species.path.") return adict["path"] def calcAlphaZ(rr, vv, Z): if rr[0] > 0.0: tmp = interp1d(rr, vv, kind="cubic", fill_value="extrapolate") x = np.array([0.0]) rr = np.concatenate((x, rr)) vv = np.concatenate((tmp(x), vv)) integrand = rr**2 * vv + Z * rr return 4.0 * np.pi * simps(integrand, x=rr)
[docs] def label_to_symbol(label, ignore_errors=False): """Convert a label to an atomic species Args: label (string): Should be an atomic species plus a tag. (e.g. H1, H_surf). Returns: symbol (string): The best matching species from the periodic table. Raises: KeyError: Couldn't find an appropriate species. """ chemical_symbols = get_chemical_symbols() # two character species if len(label) >= 2: test_symbol = label[0].upper() + label[1].lower() if test_symbol in chemical_symbols: return test_symbol # one character species test_symbol = label[0].upper() if test_symbol in chemical_symbols: return test_symbol elif not ignore_errors: raise KeyError("Could not parse species from label {0}." "".format(label))
lanthanides = [ "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu" ]