3. Standalone Installation

In order to use RESCU in the Standalone version, please follow the instructions below.

3.1. Install MATLAB Runtime

To run this project, you need to install MATLAB Runtime. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

For Linux, you can download MCR directly with this command:

wget https://ssd.mathworks.com/supportfiles/downloads/R2020a/Release/8/deployment_files/installer/complete/glnxa64/MATLAB_Runtime_R2020a_Update_8_glnxa64.zip

You can also go on the Matlab’s website to download the MCR. You will find it at `https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html`_. It is important that you download version R2020a (9.8). Once the download is completed, unzip the file and run the installer. By default, the location of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime should be /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/v98.

For Windows: Please visit the Mathworks website at `https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html`_ to download MATLAB Compiler Runtime. Make sure that the version you download is R2019b (9.7). Once the download is completed, unzip the file and run the installer. By default, the location of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime should be C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\v97.


If you change the default location of the MCR, make sure that you modify the MATLAB_RUNTIME_DIR in the rescu.sh file (Linux)/ rescu.ps1 file (Windows) with the new path.

3.2. Install License File

Visit Nanoacademic portal and download the applicable RESCU license files. By default, the scripts expect the licenses to be stored at $HOME/.nanoacademic/RESCU/license.lic. If you chose a different location, you can change the location specified in the RESCU_LICENSE_PATH variables in rescu.sh (Linux) & rescu.ps1 (Windows) files respectively.

3.3. Test Scripts

To validate that your package is properly configured, we have included test folders RESCU, named rescu_test (Linux) and RESCU_EXAMPLES (Windows).

For Linux:

cd rescu_test
../rescu.sh scf.input

For Windows:

../rescu.ps1 -i scf.input

You should see results from the test calculation if your package is adequately configured.

3.4. TroubleShooting

Here are some common errors that you may encounter while running the scripts:

20 - expired license

60 - Activation limit reached (installed the license on too many computers)

146 - license not found

48 - Network issues

If you encounter any of these issues, please make sure that the license path specified in the scripts corresponds to a valid license. Expiration dates or Activation limit can cause these errors. Network connectivity may also be a reason for failure.