Source code for nanotools.atoms

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines the ``Atoms`` class."""

from attr import field
from nptyping import NDArray
from pathlib import Path
from pint import Quantity
from nanotools.base import Base
from nanotools.geometry import cart2sphe
from import readxyz_pos, readxyz_spin, readxyz_doping
from nanotools.species import Species, label_to_symbol
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix, cKDTree
from typing import Any, List
import attr
import numpy as np

def converter_positions(x):
    shape = (-1, 3)
    return to_quantity(x, "angstrom", allow_none=True, allow_string=True, shape=shape)

def converter_frac_positions(x):
    if isinstance(x, str):
        # _, x = readxyz_pos(x)
        return x
        return np.array(x).reshape((-1, 3), order="F")

def converter_initial_magnetic_moments(x):
    if x is None:
        return x
    if isinstance(x, str):
        return x
    return np.array(x)

[docs] @attr.s class Atoms(Base): """ ``Atoms`` class. The ``Atoms`` class describes the atomic configuration: positions and species of the atoms. It also contains information about the charge of the system. Attributes: fractional_positions (2D array, str): Fractional coordinates of each atom. May be an array of row-vectors or the path to an xyz formatted file. Examples:: atoms.fractional_positions = [[0,0,0],[0.25,0.25,0.25]] atoms.fractional_positions = "" positions (2D array, str): Cartesian coordinates of each atom. May be an array of row-vectors or the path to an xyz formatted file. Examples:: atoms.positions = [[0,0,0],[1.43,1.43,1.43]] atoms.positions = "" species (list of ``Species``): Object containing species related parameters. Examples:: atoms.species_indices = [0,1] species_indices (1D array): Species index of each atom (atom <==> species correspondence). ionic_charge (float): Total ionic charge. initial_magnetic_moment (float): Initial magnetic moment. initial_magnetic_moments (float): Initial magnetic moments. valence_charge (float): Total valence charge. Examples:: atoms.valence_charge = 63 """ # intialise with list of dictionnaries for species species: List[Species] = attr.ib( default=None, # converter=lambda d: [Species(**d[i]) for i in range(len(d))], # validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.deep_iterable( # member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Species), # iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list), # )), ) default_pseudo_preferences = attr.ib( default=[{"default": {"xc": "PBE", "type": "OV", "precision": "DZP" } }] ) pseudo_preferences: List = attr.ib( default=None ) formula: str = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(str)), ) fractional_positions: np.ndarray = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_frac_positions), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of((np.ndarray, list, str)) ), ) ionic_charge: float = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(float), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(float)), ) initial_magnetic_moment: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, converter=attr.converters.optional(float), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(float)), ) initial_magnetic_moments: np.ndarray = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_initial_magnetic_moments), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of((np.ndarray, str)) ), ) total_magnetic_moment: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, converter=attr.converters.optional(float), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(float)), ) magnetic_moments: np.ndarray = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(np.array), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(np.ndarray)), ) magnetic_radii: Quantity = attr.ib( default=1.4, converter=lambda x: to_quantity(x, "angstrom"), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity)), ) numspc: int = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(int)), ) positions: Quantity = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_positions), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of((Quantity, tuple, str)) ), ) species_indices: NDArray[Any, np.int64] = attr.ib( default=None, ) doping_ratios = attr.ib(default=None) valence_charge: float = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(float), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(float)), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.positions is None and self.fractional_positions is None: Exception("The keyword atoms.positions must be specified.") self._read_fractional_positions() self._read_positions() self._read_initial_magnetic_moments() self._read_doping_ratios() self._reshape_magmoms() if (self.pseudo_preferences is None) or ("default" in self.pseudo_preferences[0]): Species.init_default_pseudo_preferences(self.default_pseudo_preferences) else: Species.init_from_pseudo_preferences(self.default_pseudo_preferences, self.pseudo_preferences) if self.species is None: specs = self.get_species_labels() self.species = [Species(label=s) for s in specs] else: ### already specify the .mat files, do not need to set up the pseudo preferences species = [] for s in self.species: if isinstance(s, dict): species.append(Species(**s)) elif isinstance(s, Species): species.append(s) else: raise Exception("Invalid species input.") self.species = species if self.formula is None: self.formula = self.get_formula() if self.species_indices is None: self.species_indices = self.get_species_indices() self.species_indices = np.array(self.species_indices) if self.doping_ratios is None: self.doping_ratios = np.ones(self.species_indices.size) if self.formula is None and self.species_indices is None: raise Exception("The keyword formula must be specified.") self.numspc = self.get_number_of_species() if self.magnetic_radii is None: natm = self.get_number_of_atoms() self.magnetic_radii = 1.2 * np.ones((natm), order="F") self._species_post_init()
[docs] def add_species(self, species): """Add a new species to the ``Atoms`` object. The input ``Species`` object is directly appended to the species list. Args: species (``Species``): A properly initialized species object. """ self.species.append(species) self.numspc += 1
[docs] def get_formula(self, format=None): """Returns the material's formula. Args: format (str, optional): If format is not None, then recomputes the formula. Returns: formula (str): The material's formula. """ if self.formula is not None and format is None: return self.formula # read species_indices by calling _read_fractional_positions or _read_positions self.get_species_indices() if self.formula is None and self.species_indices is None: raise Exception("Cannot determine formula from None species_indices.") formula = "" i = 0 while i < len(self.species_indices): s = self.species_indices[i] tmp = self.species[s].label i += 1 j = 1 while ( i < len(self.species_indices) and self.species_indices[i - 1] == self.species_indices[i] ): j += 1 i += 1 if j > 1: tmp += f"({j})" formula += tmp return formula
[docs] def get_ionic_charges(self): """Returns the ionic charge of each atom based on the species information.""" ionic = [ self.doping_ratios[i] * self.species[self.species_indices[i]].psp.Z for i in range(self.species_indices.size) ] return np.array(ionic)
"""Returns the number of orbitals.""" def get_number_of_orbitals(self): llist = np.array([s.get_number_of_orbitals() for s in self.species], dtype=int) slist = self.get_species_indices() return np.sum(llist[slist]) def get_species_index(self, label): index = None for i, s in enumerate(self.species): if s.label == label: index = i break return index
[docs] def get_species_indices(self): """Returns the species indices. For example, if the formula is "AuCu(3)" and the species labels are ["Cu", "Au"] the function returns [2, 1, 1, 1]. Args: Returns: species_indices (1D array): Array containing the species indices. """ if self.species_indices is not None: return self.species_indices if self.formula is None: self._read_fractional_positions() if self.species_indices is not None: return self.species_indices self._read_positions() if self.species_indices is not None: return self.species_indices raise Exception("Cannot determine species_indices from None formula.") def formula_2_indices(formula, dictionary): indices = [] for l in sform: if "(" in l: s = l.split("(") n = s[1] n = n.split(")")[0] n = int(n) s = s[0] else: s = l n = 1 indices.append(sdict[s] * np.ones((n), dtype=int)) return np.concatenate(indices) sform = split_formula(self.formula) specs = self.get_species_labels() sdict = dict(zip(specs, range(len(specs)))) self.species_indices = formula_2_indices(sform, sdict) return self.species_indices
[docs] def get_magnetic_moments(self): """Returns an array containing the magnetic moment of each atom.""" return self.magnetic_moments
[docs] def get_total_magnetic_moment(self): """Returns the total magnetic moment.""" return self.total_magnetic_moment
[docs] def get_label(self, idx): """Returns the label of the idx-th atom.""" idx = self.species_indices[idx] return self.species[idx].label
[docs] def get_labels(self): """Returns the labels of all atoms.""" return [self.species[idx].label for idx in self.species_indices]
[docs] def get_number_of_atoms(self): """Returns the number of atoms.""" if self.positions is not None: return np.array(self.positions.m).size // 3 elif self.fractional_positions is not None: return np.array(self.fractional_positions).size // 3 else: raise Exception( "Couldn't determine the number of atoms from positions attribute." )
[docs] def get_number_of_species(self): """Returns the number of species.""" return len(self.species)
def get_distance_matrix(self, cell=None, max_distance=None): pos = self.get_positions(cell) unit = pos.u pos = pos # loop over possible displacements dx = [] for d in range(3): if cell.is_periodic(axis=d): dx.append([-1, 0, 1]) else: dx.append([0]) dx = np.meshgrid(*dx, indexing="ij") disp = np.stack( (dx[0].ravel(order="F"), dx[1].ravel(order="F"), dx[2].ravel(order="F")), axis=1, ) if max_distance is None: # init to first unit cell distances distance = distance_matrix(pos.m, pos.m) for i in range(0, disp.shape[0]): if np.allclose(disp[i, :], 0): continue ipos = self.get_positions(cell, displacement=disp[i, :]) distance = np.minimum(distance, distance_matrix(pos.m, ipos.m)) else: mytree0 = cKDTree(pos.m) # init to first unit cell distances distance = mytree0.sparse_distance_matrix( mytree0, max_distance, output_type="coo_matrix" ) distance = distance.toarray() for i in range(0, disp.shape[0]): if np.allclose(disp[i, :], 0): continue ipos = self.get_positions(cell, displacement=disp[i, :]) mytree1 = cKDTree(ipos.m) dtmp = mytree0.sparse_distance_matrix( mytree1, max_distance, output_type="coo_matrix" ) dtmp = dtmp.toarray() # where distance is zero, update mask = np.logical_and(dtmp > 1e-12, distance < 1e-12) distance[mask] = dtmp[mask] # where dtmp is significant, take the minimum mask = dtmp > 1e-12 distance[mask] = np.minimum(distance[mask], dtmp[mask]) distance = distance * unit if not distance.is_compatible_with(unit): raise Exception(f"Invalid unit {unit}.") return distance
[docs] def get_fractional_positions(self, cell): """Returns the fractional atomic positions.""" if self.fractional_positions is None: if self.positions is None: raise Exception( "Both attributes `fractional_positions` and `positions` are None." ) else: self.fractional_positions = ( self.positions @ np.linalg.inv(cell.avec.m) / cell.avec.u ) self.fractional_positions.ito("dimensionless") self.fractional_positions = self.fractional_positions.m return self.fractional_positions
[docs] def get_positions(self, cell, displacement=None): """Returns the atomic positions in Cartesian coordinates.""" if self.positions is None: if self.fractional_positions is None: raise Exception( "Both attributes `positions` and `fractional_positions` are None." ) else: self.positions = self.fractional_positions @ cell.avec if displacement is not None: return np.matmul( self.get_fractional_positions(cell) + displacement, cell.avec ) return self.positions
[docs] def get_symbols(self, standard=False): """Returns the atomic symbols. Args: standard (bool, optional): If False, the species labels are returned as is. If True, the species labels are converted to the standard periodic table symbols. For instance, ['Ga1','Ga2'] will become ['Ga','Ga']. """ symbols = self.get_labels() if standard: symbols = [label_to_symbol(s) for s in symbols] return symbols
[docs] def get_symbol(self, idx, standard=False): """Returns the atomic symbol of a specific atom. Args: idx (int): Atom index. standard (bool, optional): If False, the species labels are returned as is. If True, the species labels are converted to the standard periodic table symbols. For instance, 'Ga1' will become 'Ga'. """ symbol = self.get_label(idx=idx) if standard: symbol = label_to_symbol(symbol) return symbol
[docs] def get_species_labels(self, standard=False): """Returns the set of species labels.""" if self.species is not None: return [self.species[idx].label for idx in range(len(self.species))] if self.formula is None: raise Exception("Cannot determine species from formula.") sform = split_formula(self.formula) sform = [s.split("(")[0] for s in sform] # return set(sform) # random order return list(dict.fromkeys(sform)) # fixed order
# symbols = self.get_symbols(standard=False) # return list(set(symbols))
[docs] def set_initial_magnetic_moment(self, total_magnetic_moment): """Sets the total initial magnetic moment.""" self.initial_magnetic_moment = float(total_magnetic_moment)
[docs] def set_initial_magnetic_moments(self, magnetic_moments, coordinates="spherical"): """Sets the initial magnetic moments. The initial magnetic moments can be specified using arrays or in an xyz file. In non-collinear spin calculations, the columns of the arrays correspond to the spins in the x, y, z directions in Cartesian coordinates. The columns of the arrays correspond to the total spins and the angles theta and phi in spherical coordinates. In xyz files, the corresponding arrays are given as follows. The first two lines are the number of atoms and a comment. To parse spin, the function assumes the comment has four tags (usually species, x, y, z) and then sx, sy, sz or sr, st, sp at some point (not necessarily right after or in that order). The position of sx, sy, sz or sr, st, sp indicates which column has which spin component. For collinear spins, only sz or sr must be specified. Spins are automatically converted to spherical coordinates. Examples:: 3 species X Y Z sx sy sz Cr +8.021e+00 +1.039e+01 +1.039e+01 -4.999e+00 8.726e-03 3.061e-16 Cr +1.039e+01 +1.039e+01 +1.450e+01 3.535e+00 6.170e-03 3.535e+00 Cr +1.276e+01 +1.039e+01 +1.039e+01 3.535e+00 6.170e-03 -3.535e+00 Args: magnetic_moments (ndarray): Array of initial magnetic moments. In collinear spin calculations, this should be a 1D array. In non-collinear spin calculations, this should be a 2D array. It can also be a string to an xyz file containing the spins. coordinates (str, optional): Coordinates system of the spins. Can be Cartesian or spherical. Returns: """ natm = self.get_number_of_atoms() if isinstance(magnetic_moments, str): self.initial_magnetic_moments = magnetic_moments self._read_initial_magnetic_moments() else: self.initial_magnetic_moments = np.array(magnetic_moments) self._reshape_magmoms() if coordinates.lower() == "cartesian": self.initial_magnetic_moments = cart2sphe(self.initial_magnetic_moments) # check natm consistency if self.initial_magnetic_moments.shape[0] != natm: raise Exception( """initial_magnetic_moments must be a [n_atom] array (for collinear spin calculations) or [n_atom x 3] array (for non-collinear spin calculations).""" ) # check spin consistency nspin = ( self.initial_magnetic_moments.size // self.initial_magnetic_moments.shape[0] ) if nspin not in [1, 3]: raise Exception( "magnetic_moments has incorrect spin dimension %d." % (nspin) ) # update initial_magnetic_moment self.set_initial_magnetic_moment(np.sum(self.initial_magnetic_moments)) self._reshape_magmoms()
def set_doping_ratios(self, ratios): if isinstance(ratios, str): self._read_doping_ratios(ratios) else: self.doping_ratios = np.array(ratios) assert len(self.doping_ratios) == self.species_indices.size self.set_ionic_charge() self.set_valence_charge()
[docs] def set_ionic_charge(self): """Sets the total ionic charge based on the species information.""" self.ionic_charge = sum( self.doping_ratios[i] * self.species[self.species_indices[i]].psp.Z for i in range(self.species_indices.size) )
[docs] def set_magnetic_moments(self, magnetic_moments): """Sets the radii used in magnetic moment integration.""" self.magnetic_moments = magnetic_moments
[docs] def set_magnetic_radii(self, magnetic_radii): """Sets the radii used in magnetic moment integration.""" self.magnetic_radii = magnetic_radii
def set_pseudo_path(self, label: str, path: Path): path = Path(path) idx = self.get_species_index(label) if idx is not None: self.species[idx]._set_path(path) self._species_post_init() return
[docs] def set_valence_charge(self, charge=None): """Sets the total valence charge. Args: charge (float, optional): Total valence charge. If None, then the total ionic charge is used as a default valence charge, making the system neutral. """ if charge is None: self.valence_charge = self.ionic_charge else: self.valence_charge = charge
[docs] def set_fractional_positions(self, fractional_positions, cell=None): """Sets the atomic fractional_positions.""" self.fractional_positions = np.array(fractional_positions).reshape( (-1, 3), order="F" ) if cell is not None: self._sync_positions(self.fractional_positions, cell=cell, fractional=True)
[docs] def set_positions(self, positions, cell=None): """Sets the atomic positions.""" self.positions = converter_positions(positions) # self.positions = np.array(positions).reshape((-1, 3), order="F") if cell is not None: self._sync_positions(self.positions, cell=cell, fractional=False)
[docs] def set_species_indices(self, species): """Sets the ``species_indices`` given a list of species. Args: species (list): list of species labels. """ uspec = self.get_species_labels() if not set(species).issubset(set(uspec)): raise ValueError("Some species are not found in atoms.") self.species_indices = np.array([uspec.index(s) for s in species], dtype=int)
[docs] def to_vacuum(self, site, keep_aob=True): """Converts an atom to a vacuum atom. The pseudopotential of the atom in question is set to zero. The atomic orbital basis is retained, improving the basis completeness. Args: site (int): Site of the atom to be converted to vacuum. keep_aob (bool): If ``True``, a vacuum atom with the same atomic orbital basis is created and introduced in place of the vacated atom; the atom is simply vacated otherwise. """ if keep_aob: va = self.species[site].to_vacuum() self.add_species(va) chemsym = self.get_symbols() chemsym[site] = va.label self.set_species_indices(chemsym) else: self.fractional_positions = np.delete( self.fractional_positions, site, axis=0 ) self.positions = np.delete(self.positions, site, axis=0) self.species_indices = np.delete(self.species_indices, site) self.set_ionic_charge() self.set_valence_charge()
def wrap_positions(self, cell): eps = 1e-8 fpos = self.get_fractional_positions(cell) for d in range(3): if cell.is_periodic(axis=d): fpos[:, d] += eps fpos[:, d] %= 1.0 fpos[:, d] -= eps self.set_fractional_positions(fpos, cell=cell) def write_xyz(self, filename): with open(filename, "w") as f: natm = self.get_number_of_atoms() f.write("%d\n\n" % (natm)) labels = self.get_labels() for i in range(natm): pos = self.positions[i, :] f.write( "%3s %1.11e %1.11e %1.11e\n" % (labels[i], pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) ) def _read_doping_ratios(self, filename=None): if filename is not None: self.doping_ratios = readxyz_doping(filename) return if self.doping_ratios is not None: if isinstance(self.doping_ratios, str): self.doping_ratios = readxyz_doping(self.doping_ratios) return def _read_fractional_positions(self): if self.fractional_positions is not None: if isinstance(self.fractional_positions, str): self.formula, self.fractional_positions = readxyz_pos( self.fractional_positions ) self.formula = compress_formula(self.formula) return def _read_initial_magnetic_moments(self): if self.initial_magnetic_moments is not None: if isinstance(self.initial_magnetic_moments, str): self.initial_magnetic_moments, coordinates = readxyz_spin( self.initial_magnetic_moments ) ns = self.initial_magnetic_moments.shape[1] if ns == 3 and coordinates == "Cartesian": self.initial_magnetic_moments = cart2sphe( self.initial_magnetic_moments ) self._reshape_magmoms() return def _read_positions(self): if self.positions is not None: unit = None if isinstance(self.positions, tuple): self.positions, unit = self.positions[0], self.positions[1] if isinstance(self.positions, str): self.formula, self.positions = readxyz_pos(self.positions) if unit is None: self.positions = converter_positions(self.positions) else: self.positions *= getattr(ureg, unit) self.formula = compress_formula(self.formula) return def _reshape_magmoms(self): natm = self.get_number_of_atoms() for a in [ "initial_magnetic_moments", "magnetic_moments", ]: tmp = getattr(self, a) if tmp is None: continue tmp = np.reshape(tmp, (natm, -1), order="F") setattr(self, a, tmp) def _init_vso(self, soc): for i in range(len(self.species)): if soc: self.species[i]._init_vso() else: self.species[i]._rm_vso() def _species_post_init(self): paths = [s.get_path() for s in self.species] if None in paths: return self.set_ionic_charge() # self.valence_charge = self.ionic_charge # reset to charge neutrality self.set_valence_charge() def _sync_positions(self, positions=None, cell=None, fractional=False): """Sets the atomic positions. Args: cell (``Cell``): ``Cell`` object to convert fractional positions to Cartesian and vice versa. positions (2D array, optional): Array of row-vectors of coordinates. fractional (bool, optional): If True, ``positions`` is assumed to be fractional, and Cartesian otherwise. """ cellcp = cell.copy() if positions is not None: if fractional: self.fractional_positions = positions self.positions = None else: self.fractional_positions = None self.positions = positions if self.positions is not None: self.fractional_positions = ( self.positions @ np.linalg.inv(cellcp.avec.m) / cellcp.avec.u ) self.fractional_positions.ito("dimensionless") self.fractional_positions = self.fractional_positions.m elif self.fractional_positions is not None: self.positions = self.fractional_positions @ cellcp.avec else: raise Exception( "Both attributes `positions` and `fractional_positions` are None." )
def compress_formula(formula): sform = split_formula(formula) cform = [] tmp0 = sform[0] count = 0 for s in sform: if s == tmp0: count += 1 else: if count > 1: cform.append(f"{tmp0}({count})") else: cform.append(f"{tmp0}") count = 1 tmp0 = s if count > 1: cform.append(f"{tmp0}({count})") else: cform.append(f"{tmp0}") return "".join(cform) def split_formula(formula): sform = [] i = 0 while i < len(formula): tmp = formula[i] i += 1 while i < len(formula) and not formula[i].isupper(): tmp += formula[i] i += 1 sform.append(tmp) return sform