Source code for nanotools.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2020-05-11

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

from import read as read_calc
from nanotools.utils import (
from nanotools.jsonio import json_write
import attr
import copy

[docs] @attr.s class Base: """The ``Base`` class is used to define universal methods and parameters common to `nanotools` classes.""" # input is dictionary with default constructor # attr = attr.ib(default=None) # def __attrs_post_init__(self): # return
[docs] @classmethod def read(cls, filename, units="si"): """Initialize an object from a JSON file.""" return read_calc(cls, filename, units=units)
[docs] def asdict(self): """ Returns the object as a dictionary. Args: Returns: """ return attr.asdict( self, recurse=True, filter=lambda attr, value: != "inpDict", )
[docs] def copy(self): """Returns a deep copy of the object.""" return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def set_units(self, units): """Converts all units to the prescribed unit system (recursive). Args: units (str): Unit system ('atomic' or 'si') """ set_units_core(self, units)
def write(self, filename, units="atomic"): self.set_units(units) adict = self.asdict() json_write(filename, adict) def _update(self, filename): tmp = self.__dict__.update(tmp.__dict__)
[docs] def set_units_core(self, units): """ Convert all units to the prescribed unit system (recursive). Args: units (str): Unit system ('atomic' or 'si') Returns: """ units = units.lower() if units not in ["atomic", "si"]: raise Exception("Unit system " + units + " not recognized.") for key in self.__dict__.keys(): atr = getattr(self, key) object_methods = list_methods(atr) if "set_units" in object_methods: atr.set_units(units) setattr(self, key, atr) continue if isinstance(atr, Quantity): atr = convert_quantity(atr, units) continue