Source code for nanotools.eig

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines the ``Eig`` class."""

from typing import List

import attr
from nanotools.base import Base

[docs] @attr.s class Eig(Base): """``Eig`` class. Attributes: abstol (float): The absolute error tolerance for the eigenvalues. algo (string): Determine the algorithm used to diagonalize the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, or its projection. For projected (dense) eigenvalue problems: * "d": calls the divide-and-conquer algorithm of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. * "elpa": calls the `ELPA <>`_ library. * "mrrr": calls the MRRR routines of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. * "x": calls the _expert_ driver of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. In our experience "x" is both fast and robust. "elpa" is the fastest, especially when solving large systems (i.e. > 1000 orbitals) and when using a lot of processes (i.e. > 100). However, "elpa" requires that ``mpidist.orbblk`` * ``mpidist.orbprc`` < n, where n is the number of orbitals. Examples:: eig.algo = "elpa" elpa_solver (string): Sets the ELPA library solver. Allowed values are: * ELPA_SOLVER_1STAGE * ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE elpa_complex_kernel (string): Sets the ELPA solver complex kernel. For all allowed values, see ELPA documentation. Some allowed values are: * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_GENERIC * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_SSE_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX2_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX512_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_DEFAULT elpa_real_kernel (string): Sets the ELPA solver real kernel. For all allowed values, see ELPA documentation. Some allowed values are: * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_GENERIC * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_SSE_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX2_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX512_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_DEFAULT inclband (1D array): Index range of the energy bands included in the calculation. If ``eig.inclband = [il,iu]``, the eigensolver will seek the eigenvalues and/or eigenvectors with an index between il and iu. il <= iu is required; not all eigenpairs need to converge (see ``target_irange``). Examples:: eig.inclband = [430,470] lwork (integer): Size of the work array in ScaLAPACK. If ``lwork`` is -1, then ScaLAPACK estimates the optimal work array size. If ``lwork`` is too small ScaLAPACK will compromise on precision or crash. Don't worry, it will throw at least a warning. If that happends, just increase the value of ``lwork`` by a factor 2 until the message disappear. Examples:: eig.lwork = 2000000 orfac (float): Specifies which eigenvectors should be reorthogonalized. Eigenvectors that correspond to eigenvalues which are within ``tol=orfac*norm(A)`` of each other are to be reorthogonalized. However, if the workspace is insufficient (see ``lwork``), tolerance may be decreased until all eigenvectors to be reorthogonalized can be stored in one process. No reorthogonalization will be done if ``orfac`` equals zero. A default value of 1e-3 is used if ``orfac`` is negative. ``orfac`` should be identical on all processes. Examples:: eig.orfac = 1e-8 reduAlgo (integer): Switch between triangular inverse (1) and ScaLAPACK's sygst (2) to reduce the eigenvalue problem from general to standard form. If ``algo=elpa`` then ``reduAlgo=3`` uses ELPA's Cannon algorithm if the number of process rows divides the number of process columns (see ``mpidist.orbprc``). This parameter impacts performance. Examples:: eig.reduAlgo = 2 target_irange (1D array): Index range of the energy bands that are forced to converge according to the tolerance given by ``abstol``. Examples:: eig.target_irange = [440,460] """ # jobz (string): # If jobz = 'v', eigenvectors are calculated; only eigenvalues are returned # otherwise. # uplo (string): # If uplo = 'u', the upper triangular part of the matrices are referenced; if # uplo = 'l', the upper triangular part of the matrices are referenced. # range (string): # If range = 'a', all eigenvalues are computed; if range = 'i', the eigenvalues # with index in the interval (il, iu) are computed; if range = 'v', the # eigenvalues # with index in the interval (vl, vu) are computed. # ibtype (integer): # Eigenvalue problem type; if ibtype = 1, solve A*x = (lambda)*B*x; if ibtype = 2, # solve A*B*x = (lambda)*x; if ibtype = 3, solve B*A*x = (lambda)*x. # il (integer): # Lower index bound. # iu (integer): # Upper index bound. # vl (float): # Lower value bound. # vu (float): # Upper value bound. abstol: float = attr.ib( default=-1.0, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float), ) algo: str = attr.ib( default="x", converter=str, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) elpa_solver: str = attr.ib( default="ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE", converter=str, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) elpa_complex_kernel: str = attr.ib( default="ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_DEFAULT", converter=str, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) elpa_real_kernel: str = attr.ib( default="ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_DEFAULT", converter=str, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) inclband: List[int] = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.deep_iterable( member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int), iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list), ), ), ) lwork: int = attr.ib( default=-1, converter=int, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int), ) orfac: float = attr.ib( default=1.0e-6, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float), ) reduAlgo: int = attr.ib( default=2, converter=int, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int), ) target_irange: List[int] = attr.ib( default=None, validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.deep_iterable( member_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(int), iterable_validator=attr.validators.instance_of(list), ), ), ) # jobz = attr.ib(default="n") # uplo = attr.ib(default="u") # range = attr.ib(default="a") ***range is function in python make sure # # shadowing doesnt affect behaviour before uncommenting # ibtype = attr.ib(default="1.") # il = attr.ib(default=0) # iu = attr.ib(default=0) # def __attrs_post_init__(self): # return
[docs] def get_number_of_bands(self): """Returns the number of bands. The total number of bands usually include some bands that act as a buffer and hence they are not necessarily accurate. For bands satifying the prescribed tolerance, refer to ``target_irange``. """ nbands = self.inclband[1] - self.inclband[0] return nbands
[docs] def set_abstol(self, abstol): """Sets the parameter abstol. The absolute error tolerance for the eigenvalues. """ self.abstol = abstol
[docs] def set_algo(self, algo): """Sets the parameter algo. Determine the algorithm used to diagonalize the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian, or its projection. For projected (dense) eigenvalue problems: * "d": calls the divide-and-conquer algorithm of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. * "elpa": calls the `ELPA <>`_ library. * "mrrr": calls the MRRR routines of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. * "x": calls the _expert_ driver of `ScaLAPACK <>`_. In our experience "x" is both fast and robust. "elpa" is the fastest, especially when solving large systems (i.e. > 1000 orbitals) and when using a lot of processes (i.e. > 100). However, "elpa" requires that ``mpidist.orbblk`` * ``mpidist.orbprc`` < n, where n is the number of orbitals. """ self.algo = algo
[docs] def set_elpa_solver(self, elpa_solver): """Sets the parameter elpa_solver. Allowed values are: * ELPA_SOLVER_1STAGE * ELPA_SOLVER_2STAGE """ self.elpa_solver = elpa_solver
[docs] def set_elpa_complex_kernel(self, elpa_complex_kernel): """Sets the parameter elpa_complex_kernel. For all allowed values, see ELPA documentation. Some allowed values are: * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_GENERIC * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_SSE_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX2_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_AVX512_BLOCK1 * ELPA_2STAGE_COMPLEX_DEFAULT """ self.elpa_complex_kernel = elpa_complex_kernel
[docs] def set_elpa_real_kernel(self, elpa_real_kernel): """Sets the parameter elpa_real_kernel. For all allowed values, see ELPA documentation. Some allowed values are: * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_GENERIC * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_SSE_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX2_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_AVX512_BLOCK2 * ELPA_2STAGE_REAL_DEFAULT """ self.elpa_real_kernel = elpa_real_kernel
# def set_inclband(self, inclband): # """Sets the parameter inclband.""" # self.inclband = inclband
[docs] def set_lwork(self, lwork): """Sets the parameter lwork. Size of the work array in ScaLAPACK. If ``lwork`` is -1, then ScaLAPACK estimates the optimal work array size. If ``lwork`` is too small ScaLAPACK will compromise on precision or crash. Don't worry, it will throw at least a warning. If that happends, just increase the value of ``lwork`` by a factor 2 until the message disappear. """ self.lwork = lwork
[docs] def set_orfac(self, orfac): """Sets the parameter orfac. Specifies which eigenvectors should be reorthogonalized. Eigenvectors that correspond to eigenvalues which are within ``tol=orfac*norm(A)`` of each other are to be reorthogonalized. However, if the workspace is insufficient (see ``lwork``), tolerance may be decreased until all eigenvectors to be reorthogonalized can be stored in one process. No reorthogonalization will be done if ``orfac`` equals zero. A default value of 1e-3 is used if ``orfac`` is negative. ``orfac`` should be identical on all processes. """ self.orfac = orfac
[docs] def set_reduAlgo(self, reduAlgo): """Sets the parameter reduAlgo. Switch between triangular inverse (1) and ScaLAPACK's sygst (2) to reduce the eigenvalue problem from general to standard form. If ``algo=elpa`` then ``reduAlgo=3`` uses ELPA's Cannon algorithm if the number of process rows divides the number of process columns (see ``mpidist.orbprc``). This parameter impacts performance. """ self.reduAlgo = reduAlgo
[docs] def set_target_irange( self, ispin=1, target_irange=None, valence_charge=None, n_orb=None ): """Sets the included and target bands. If ``target_irange`` is not provided, the valence charge is used to determine the number of bands. """ # fix number of target bands if target_irange is None and valence_charge is None: raise ValueError("target_irange or valence_charge cannot be both None.") elif target_irange is None: if ispin == 4: iu = int(valence_charge) + 8 if n_orb is not None: iu = min(iu, 2 * n_orb) else: iu = int((valence_charge + 1) // 2) + 8 if n_orb is not None: iu = min(iu, n_orb) self.target_irange = [ 0, int(iu), ] # JSON throws type error if integers of diff types are put in same list, e.g. [int, int32] else: self.target_irange = target_irange # fix number of included bands self.inclband = self.target_irange