Source code for nanotools.iv

two-probe transport calculator

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg
from nanotools.current import Current
from nanotools.extpot import Region
from nanotools.twoprobe import TwoProbe
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter
from shutil import copyfile
from typing import List, Union
import attr
import numpy as np
import os

[docs] @attr.s class IV(Base): """Calculator that automates the workflow of computing charge currents under a series of bias/gate voltages. Attributes: reference_calculator: instance of TwoProbe temperature currents: where results are stored k_grid_4_current: a denser k-point grid for current computation. work_func: work function. used in case of varying gate voltage. voltages: the varying voltage values varying_elements: list of Region objects or strings indicating what voltages are to be varied. The voltages associated with all the elements in the list are varied simultaneously. If a string is found in the list, the drain-source voltage is to be varied. eg. [extpot.gates[0], extpot.gates[2], "drain-source"]. In this case, Vds=Vg1=Vg2. """ reference_calculator: TwoProbe = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TwoProbe), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TwoProbe), ) voltages: Quantity = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV", shape=(-1))), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ) root: str = attr.ib(default=None) sub_dirs: List[str] = attr.ib(factory=list) k_grid_4_current = attr.ib(default=None) temperature: float = attr.ib( default=300.0, # default="kelvin" converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float), ) currents: Quantity = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional( lambda x: to_quantity(x, "ampere", shape=(-1)) ), # validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ) work_func: Quantity = attr.ib( default=0.0 * ureg.eV, converter=lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV"), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ) varying_elements: List[Union[str, Region]] = attr.ib( factory=list ) # pointers to reference_calculator..gates[?] def __attrs_post_init__(self): dev = self.reference_calculator.copy() self.reference_calculator = dev.copy() self._link_elements() if self.root is None: self.root = os.getcwd() if len(self.sub_dirs) != len(self.voltages): self.mk_sub_dir()
[docs] def set_voltages(self, voltages, work_func=None): """sets voltage values and optionally the work function for gates Args: voltages (iterable[float]): work_func (float/None): work function """ if work_func is not None: self.work_func = work_func self.voltages = voltages self.mk_sub_dir()
[docs] def set_varying_elements(self, elements): """sets the elements to which the varying voltage is to be applied Args: elements (List[Region/string]) """ self.varying_elements = elements self._link_elements()
def set_temperature(self, T): self.temperature = T def mk_sub_dir(self, dirs=None): if dirs is None: self.sub_dirs = [] for v in self.voltages: self.sub_dirs.append(self._get_sub_dir(v)) else: self.sub_dirs = dirs.copy() for d in self.sub_dirs: if not os.path.isdir(d): os.mkdir(d)
[docs] def gen_input_files(self): """generate input files for each voltage value.""" self.reference_calculator.solve_left() self.reference_calculator.solve_right() = "center_out.h5" for i in range(len(self.voltages)): v = self.voltages[i] nwd = self.sub_dirs[i] # new working directory self._write_py_scf(nwd) self._write_py_current(nwd) copy_or_link( os.path.join(self.root, "left_out.json"), os.path.join(nwd, "left_out.json"), ) copy_or_link( os.path.join(self.root, "left_out.h5"), os.path.join(nwd, "left_out.h5") ) if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(self.root, "right_out.json") ) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.root, "right_out.h5")): copy_or_link( os.path.join(self.root, "right_out.json"), os.path.join(nwd, "right_out.json"), ) copy_or_link( os.path.join(self.root, "right_out.h5"), os.path.join(nwd, "right_out.h5"), ) for ele in self.varying_elements: if isinstance(ele, Region): ele.val = self.work_func - v elif isinstance(ele, str): # assuming the string == "drain" self.reference_calculator.set_bias(bias=v) else: raise Exception("Element neither a string nor Region.") self.reference_calculator.write( filename=os.path.join(nwd, "nano_2prb_in.json") ) print("find input files in the following directories:") print(*self.sub_dirs, sep="\n") print( "run for self-consistent calculation and for computing currents." )
[docs] def solve(self, output="nano_iv_out"): """carries out self-consistent and charge current calculations at each given voltage. Several directories will be spawned, holding input and output files for each corresponding voltage value. For example, if device/ is the current work directory and the voltages are [0.1,0.2,0.3], then the following directories will be spawned in parallel device0.1/ device0.2/ device0.3/ Find results in self.currents """ self.gen_input_files() print("preparation done. computation starts ...") print( "You may interrupt here and run and under each of the i_v_.. directories." ) self.scf() self.calc_currents() self.write(filename=output + ".json")
[docs] def scf(self): """Enters each of the spawned directories and launch nanodcalplus for self-consistent calculation """ for nwd in self.sub_dirs: os.chdir(nwd) command, binname = "2prb" ) ret = command("nano_2prb_in.json") os.chdir(self.root)
[docs] def calc_currents(self): """Enters each of the spawned directories and carries out charge current calculation. """ ispin = if ispin == 2: self.currents = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.voltages), 2)) else: self.currents = 0 * np.array(self.voltages) for i in range(len(self.sub_dirs)): os.chdir(self.sub_dirs[i]) dev ="nano_2prb_out.json") cal = Current.from_twoprobe(twoprb=dev) if self.k_grid_4_current is not None: if ispin == 2: ( self.currents[i, 0], self.currents[i, 1], ) = cal.calc_charge_current(T=self.temperature) else: self.currents[i] = cal.calc_charge_current(T=self.temperature) os.chdir(self.root) return self.currents
[docs] def get_currents(self): """collects results from each spawned directory""" ispin = if ispin == 2: self.currents = np.zeros(shape=(len(self.voltages), 2)) else: self.currents = 0 * np.array(self.voltages) for i in range(len(self.sub_dirs)): os.chdir(self.sub_dirs[i]) cal ="nano_trsm_out.json") if ispin == 2: ( self.currents[i, 0], self.currents[i, 1], ) = cal.get_charge_current(T=self.temperature) else: self.currents[i] = cal.get_charge_current(T=self.temperature) os.chdir(self.root) return self.currents
def _get_varying_voltage(self): vals = self.voltages.copy() return vals def _get_sub_dir(self, v): return os.path.join(self.root, "i_v_" + str(v)) def _link_elements(self): for i in range(len(self.varying_elements)): ele = self.varying_elements[i] if isinstance(ele, dict): self.varying_elements[i] = Region(**ele) for i in range(len(self.varying_elements)): ele = self.varying_elements[i] if isinstance(ele, Region): f = self._find_exist_gate(ele) if f == -1: self.varying_elements[i] = ([f] )
[docs] def plot(self, log=False, filename=None, show=True): """plots I-V curve""" self.set_units("si") ispin = vals = self._get_varying_voltage() if log: currents = np.abs(self.currents) else: currents = self.currents.copy() fig = plt.figure() if ispin == 2: plt.plot(vals.m, currents.m[:, 0], "-k^", label="spin-majority") plt.plot(vals.m, currents.m[:, 1], "-kv", label="spin-minority") plt.legend() else: plt.plot(vals.m, currents.m, "-ko") if log: plt.yscale("log") plt.xlabel("Voltage (V)") plt.ylabel(f"Current ({self.currents.u})") fig.tight_layout() if show: if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
def _find_exist_gate(self, gate): existed_gates = if len(existed_gates) == 0 or existed_gates is None: return -1 i = -1 c = 0 for gex in existed_gates: if ( gex.fractional_x_range == gate.fractional_x_range and gex.fractional_y_range == gate.fractional_y_range and gex.fractional_z_range == gate.fractional_z_range ): i = c break c = c + 1 return i def _write_py_scf(self, dir): py = """ from nanotools.twoprobe import TwoProbe calc ='nano_2prb_in.json') calc.solve() """ with open(os.path.join(dir, ""), "w") as f: f.write(py) def _write_py_current(self, dir): py = """ from nanotools import Current, TwoProbe dev ="nano_2prb_out.json") cal = Current.from_twoprobe(twoprb=dev) cal.temperature = %s # don't forget to set a denser k-point mesh: # ispin = if ispin == 2: Iu, Id, unit = cal.calc_charge_current() print(f"majority spin current = {Iu}") print(f"minority spin current = {Id}") print("unit = " + unit) else: Iu, unit = cal.calc_charge_current() print(f"current = {Iu}") print("unit = " + unit) """ with open(os.path.join(dir, ""), "w") as f: f.write(py % self.temperature)
def copy_or_link(src, dst): if os.path.exists(dst): os.remove(dst) try: os.symlink(src, dst) except OSError: print("symlink fails. use copy instead.") copyfile(src, dst) except: print("copy_or_link fails.")