Source code for nanotools.photocurrent

scattering states calculator

from pathlib import Path
from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.twoprobe import TwoProbe, get_transport_dir
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter
from nanotools.jsonio import json_write
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import h5py
from nptyping import NDArray
import attr
from attr import field
import copy
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil

def converter_in_light(x):
    if x is None:
        return x
    return np.array(x, dtype=np.int32)

[docs] @attr.s class PhotoCurrent(Base): """``Photocurrent`` class. Attributes: transport_axis left_equal_right: boolean variable indicating whether the two lead structures are identical. photon_energy (Quantity 1d array): Input. Photon energies. Default unit is eV. e.g. photon_energy = 1.55 photon_energy = [1.55, 1.56, 1.59] elec_energy_resol (Quantity): Input. Energy resolution for the energy grid on which photo-transmission and Green's functions of electrons are computed. Default unit is eV. in_light (integer array): Input. in_light must have the same length as the number of atoms. 1 (0) indicates that light is (not) shed on the corresponding atom. When in_light is None (default), all atoms within the central device region are assumed to be under the light, and hence subject to light induced excitation. e.g. in_light = [0 0 1 1 1 0 0] photo_transmission (float 5d array): computation result read out from nano_photo_out.h5, see _read_photo_transmission method. 5d array with each dimension corresponding to the electronic energy grid, photon energy, k-points, spin, and lead. theta (float scalar): input polarization angle, in radial unit. phi (float scalar): input polarization angle, in radial unit. polar_basis_vec (float 2d array): Input. Two rows of vectors indicating the basis frame for light polarization. e.g. polar_basis_vec = [ [0,1,0] , [0,0,1] ] polar_vector (complex 1d array): input polarization vector of light. e.g. polar_vector = [1.0, 0.0, 1j] If polar_vector is not specified by user, it will be calculated according to a0 = cos(theta) * cos(phi) - 1j * sin(theta) * sin(phi) a1 = sin(theta) * cos(phi) + 1j * cos(theta) * sin(phi) polar_vector = a0 * e0 + a1 * e1 where e0, e1 are basis-vectors from polar_basis_vec """ center: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy), ) left: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy)), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy)), ) right: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy)), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy)), ) left_equal_right: bool = attr.ib(default=False) # are lead structures identical? transport_axis: int = attr.ib( default=-1, validator=attr.validators.in_([-1, 0, 1, 2]) ) photon_energy: Quantity = attr.ib( default=np.array([0.0]) * ureg.eV, converter=lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV", shape=(-1)), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ) elec_energy_resol: Quantity = field( default=0.025 * ureg.eV, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) in_light: np.ndarray = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(converter_in_light), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(np.ndarray)), ) photo_transmission: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: np.array(x).ravel(order="F")), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) polar_vector: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional( lambda x: np.array(x).ravel(order="F").astype(np.cdouble) ), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) polar_vector_real: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: np.array(x).ravel(order="F")), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) polar_vector_imag: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: np.array(x).ravel(order="F")), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) polar_basis_vec: NDArray = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional( lambda x: np.array(x).reshape((-1, 3), order="F") ), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(NDArray)), ) theta: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float), ) phi: float = attr.ib( default=0.0, converter=float, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(float), ) classname: str = attr.ib() @classname.default def _classname_default_value(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.transport_axis < 0: self.transport_axis = get_transport_dir( if self.transport_axis not in [0, 1, 2]: raise Exception("transport direction not specified.") = copy.deepcopy( if self.left is None: self.left = copy.deepcopy( else: self.left = copy.deepcopy(self.left) if self.right is None: self.left_equal_right = True if self.left_equal_right: print("Left and right lead structures are same.") self.right = copy.deepcopy(self.left) else: self.right = copy.deepcopy(self.right) # = "center_out.h5" self._post_init() self.polar_vector_real = np.real(self.polar_vector) self.polar_vector_imag = np.imag(self.polar_vector) def _post_init(self): if self.polar_vector is not None: return if self.polar_basis_vec is None: raise Exception("Must specify basis vectors [ [e0], [e1] ].") e0 = self.polar_basis_vec[0, :] e0 = e0 / np.linalg.norm(e0) e1 = self.polar_basis_vec[1, :] e1 = e1 / np.linalg.norm(e1) if np.abs(, e1)) > 1.0e-8: raise Exception("The two basis vectors must be orthogonal.") self.polar_vector = get_unit_vec_from_angles(e0, e1, self.theta, self.phi)
[docs] @classmethod def from_twoprobe(cls, twoprb, **kwargs): """initializes instance from TwoProbe object""" if not isinstance(twoprb, TwoProbe): raise Exception("Reading from not a TwoProbe object.") calc = cls(, left=twoprb.left, right=twoprb.right, transport_axis=twoprb.transport_axis, left_equal_right=twoprb.left_equal_right, **kwargs, ) return calc
def set_elec_energy_resol(self, resolution): self.elec_energy_resol = to_quantity(resolution, "eV") if < (0.1 * self.elec_energy_resol): print( "Warning: eta for Green Function computation is way smaller than elec_energy_resol ..." ) print("consider larger eta or adjusting elec_energy_resol down to eta.") def set_eta(self, eta): self.left.system.pop.set_eta(eta) self.right.system.pop.set_eta(eta) if < (0.1 * self.elec_energy_resol): print( "Warning: eta for Green Function computation is way smaller than elec_energy_resol ..." ) print("consider larger eta or adjusting elec_energy_resol down to eta.") def set_photon_energy(self, energy): self.photon_energy = to_quantity(energy, "eV", shape=(-1))
[docs] def solve(self, photon_energy=None, input="nano_photo_in", output="nano_photo_out"): """Calculates transmission. This method triggers the nanodcalplus_trsm executable. Result is stored in self.dos.transmission Args: photon_energy (float / iterable): energy grid over which the transmission is to be calculated. eg. energies=0.1 eg. energies=[0.1,0.2,0.3] """ self.polar_vector_real = np.real(self.polar_vector) self.polar_vector_imag = np.imag(self.polar_vector) if photon_energy is not None: self.set_photon_energy(photon_energy) if not (Path( raise Exception("densityPath file not found for central region.") if not (Path(self.left.solver.restart.densityPath).is_file()): raise Exception("densityPath file not found for left lead.") if not self.left_equal_right: # if different structure if not (Path(self.right.solver.restart.densityPath).is_file()): raise Exception("densityPath file not found for right lead.") inputname = os.path.splitext(input)[0] + ".json" self.left.solver.mpidist = self.right.solver.mpidist = self.write(inputname) command, binname ="photocurr") ret = command(inputname) ret.check_returncode() shutil.move("nano_photo_out.json", output + ".json") self._update(output + ".json") self.set_units("si") self._read_photo_transmission()
def plot_photo_transmission( self, photon=0, k=0, s=0, lead="left", show=True, save_to=None ): self._read_photo_transmission() fld = self.photo_transmission photo_cutoff_expo = 7.0 bias = sig = phot_e_max = np.amax(self.photon_energy.magnitude) dE = self.elec_energy_resol.magnitude Emin = min(-bias, 0) - photo_cutoff_expo * sig - phot_e_max Emax = max(-bias, 0) + photo_cutoff_expo * sig + phot_e_max egrid = np.array(range(np.rint((Emax - Emin) / dE).astype(int) + 1)) * dE + Emin fig = plt.figure() if lead == "left": y_fld = fld[:, photon, k, s, 0] else: y_fld = fld[:, photon, k, s, 1] plt.plot(egrid, y_fld) plt.xlabel(f"Energy ({self.elec_energy_resol.u})") plt.ylabel("Photo-Transmission") fig.savefig("photo_transmission.png") if save_to is not None: dep = {"Energy": egrid, "PhotoTransmission": y_fld} json_write(save_to, dep) return fig
[docs] def get_response(self): """Calculate the photo-response coefficient according to Nanodcal definition (named "photocurrent" in Nanodcal output). When calling this method, the photo-transmission calculation is assumed completed already. You should find nano_photo_out.json and nano_photo_out.h5 in your work directory. e.g. cal ="nano_photo_out.json") res = cal.get_response() Returns: a dimensionless 3d array, with each dimension corresponding to photon-energy, spin, and lead. """ self._read_photo_transmission() alpha = 0.0072973525693 # fine structure constant # energy integration tr = self.photo_transmission tr = np.sum(tr, axis=0) # --> (photon, k, s, lead) dE ="eV").magnitude phe ="eV").magnitude # Nanodcal convention: multiply transmission with wght # calculatephotocurrent.m # decomphcurrent(jjphe,:,:,:,:,:) = decomphcurrent(jjphe,:,:,:,:,:)*(cPC.alpha/hbaromega(jjphe)); wght = alpha * (dE / phe) tr = tr * wght[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # k integration wght = np.array( k4d = wght[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] tr = tr * k4d tr = np.sum(tr, axis=1) # --> (photon, s, lead) if == 1: tr = 2.0 * tr # spin degenerate return tr
[docs] def get_photo_current( self, flux=1.0 * ureg.watt / ureg.meter**2, mu=1.0, epsilon=1.0 ): """Calculate photo-charge current. When calling this method, the photo-transmission calculation is assumed completed already. You should find nano_photo_out.json and nano_photo_out.h5 in your work directory. e.g. cal ="nano_photo_out.json") c = cal.get_photo_current(flux=3.0 * ureg.watt / ureg.meter**2, mu=0.7, epsilon=1.5) Args: flux (power / area): energy flux of incident light mu: relative magnetic permeability of material epsilon: relative electric permittivity of material Returns: charge current, as 3d array, with each dimension corresponding to photon-energy, spin, and lead. Its unit can be ampere, ampere/m, or ampere/m^2 depending on the device cross-section. """ a0 = 5.29177210903e-11 # * ureg.meter # Bohr radius respo = self.get_response() flux_unit = ureg.watt / ureg.meter**2 pref = /"eV").magnitude pref = pref * a0 * a0 * np.sqrt(mu / epsilon) pref3d = pref[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] respo = pref3d * respo # compute cross section of device self.set_units("si") dims = np.array([0, 1, 2]) dims = dims[dims != self.transport_axis] # dimensions of cross section bc = np.array( bc = bc[2 * dims] v0 =[dims[0], :].magnitude v1 =[dims[1], :].magnitude if bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] == 0: unit = "ampere / m ** 2" crossec = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v0, v1)) / 1e20 elif bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] != 0: unit = "ampere / m" crossec = np.linalg.norm(v0) / 1e10 elif bc[0] != 0 and bc[1] == 0: unit = "ampere / m" crossec = np.linalg.norm(v1) / 1e10 else: unit = "ampere" crossec = 1.0 return to_quantity(respo / crossec, unit)
[docs] def get_pho_curr(self, flux=1.0 * ureg.watt / ureg.meter**2, mu=1.0, epsilon=1.0): """shadow implementation for get_photo_current, should be removed in future""" self.set_units("si") self._read_photo_transmission() bias = dims = np.array([0, 1, 2]) dims = dims[dims != self.transport_axis] # dimensions of cross section bc = np.array( bc = bc[2 * dims] v0 =[dims[0], :].magnitude v1 =[dims[1], :].magnitude if bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] == 0: unit = "ampere / m ** 2" crossec = np.linalg.norm(np.cross(v0, v1)) / 1e20 elif bc[0] == 0 and bc[1] != 0: unit = "ampere / m" crossec = np.linalg.norm(v0) / 1e10 elif bc[0] != 0 and bc[1] == 0: unit = "ampere / m" crossec = np.linalg.norm(v1) / 1e10 else: unit = "ampere" crossec = 1.0 # energy integration e2h = 3.87404585e-5 # e ** 2/h dE ="eV").magnitude tr = self.photo_transmission tr = np.sum(tr, axis=0) * (dE * e2h / crossec) # (photon, k, s, lead) # k integration kwght = np.array( k4d = kwght[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] tr = tr * k4d tr = np.sum(tr, axis=1) # (photon, s, lead) flux_unit = ureg.watt / ureg.meter**2 pref = get_photo_current_prefactor(mu, epsilon) pref = ( pref * /"joule").magnitude ** 2 ) pref3d = pref[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] tr = pref3d * tr if == 1: tr = 2.0 * tr # spin degenerate return to_quantity(tr, unit)
def _read_photo_transmission(self, filename="nano_photo_out.h5"): """get transmission result from HDF5 file""" f = h5py.File(filename, mode="r") fld = f["photo_transmission"][0:] fld = np.transpose(fld, [i for i in range(fld.ndim - 1, -1, -1)]) fld = np.asfortranarray(fld) self.photo_transmission = fld
def get_unit_vec_from_angles(e0, e1, theta, phi): a0 = np.cos(theta) * np.cos(phi) - 1j * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi) a1 = np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi) + 1j * np.cos(theta) * np.sin(phi) v = a0 * e0 + a1 * e1 return v.astype(np.cdouble) / np.linalg.norm(v) def get_photo_current_prefactor(mu=1.0, epsilon=1.0): me = 9.1093837015e-31 # Electron mass e = 1.60217662e-19 # Elementary charge h = 6.62607004e-34 # * ureg.meter**2 * / ureg.second # Planck's constant hbar = h / 2 / np.pi # Reduced Planck's constant eps0 = 8.8541878128e-12 # Vacuum permittivity a0 = 5.29177210903e-11 # * ureg.meter # Bohr radius alpha = 0.0072973525693 # fine structure constant return np.sqrt(mu / epsilon) * alpha * h * a0 * a0