Source code for nanotools.relax

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2021-06-04

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from import move_results
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter, to_quantity
import attr
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil

[docs] @attr.s class Relax(Base): """``Relax`` class. Examples:: from import bulk from nanotools import System, TotalEnergy, Relax a = 5.43 # lattice constant in ang atoms = bulk("Si", "diamond", a=a, cubic=True) # move atoms around a bit atoms.rattle(stdev=0.05, seed=1) atoms.positions[0,:] = 0. sys = System.from_ase_atoms(atoms) sys.cell.set_resolution(0.2) sys.kpoint.set_grid([5,5,5]) ecalc = TotalEnergy(sys) ecalc.solver.mix.alpha = 0.5 ecalc.solver.set_mpi_command("mpiexec --bind-to core -n 16") rlx = Relax.from_totalenergy(ecalc) rlx.solve() Attributes: fixatoms: Atoms with indices in ``fixatoms`` will be kept fixed during the relaxation procedure. ftol: Force tolerance. The relaxation procedure stop once all forces are less than the tolerance. reference_calculator: Total energy calculator. restart: Use real space density matrix to restart between iterations. """ # input is dictionary with default constructor reference_calculator: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy), ) fixatoms = attr.ib(default=None) ftol: Quantity = attr.ib( default=1.0e-2, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV / angstrom")), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity)), ) restart: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(bool)), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): return @classmethod def from_totalenergy(cls, totalenergy, **kwargs): if isinstance(totalenergy, TotalEnergy): pass else: totalenergy = rlx = cls(reference_calculator=totalenergy, **kwargs) return rlx def solve(self, output="nano_rlx_out.json"): from nanotools.ext.calculators.ase import Rescuplus from ase.constraints import FixAtoms from import read as ase_read from ase.optimize import BFGS print("Enter relaxation solver ...") # make deep copy rsc = self.reference_calculator.copy() rsc.set_units("si") fixatoms = self.fixatoms ftol ="eV / angstrom").m restart = self.restart fnd_out = False if os.path.exists(output): fnd_out = True rsctmp = init_atom = True if os.path.exists("nano_rlx.traj") and restart: try: atoms = ase_read("nano_rlx.traj@:") except: atoms = [] if len(atoms) > 0: atoms = ase_read("nano_rlx.traj@-1") if fnd_out and np.max(atoms.get_forces()) < ftol: return init_atom = False if init_atom: atoms = rsc.system.to_ase_atoms() os.system("rm -f nano_scf_out.h5") # get nano_scf command rsccmd = "rescuplus" if rsc.solver.cmd.mpi is not None: rsccmd = rsc.solver.cmd.mpi + " " + rsccmd rsccmd += " -i PREFIX.rsi >> resculog.out && mv nano_scf_out.json PREFIX.rso" if restart: rsc.solver.restart.DMkPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" = True atoms.calc = Rescuplus(command=rsccmd, input_data=rsc) # input_data = rsc.asdict() # atoms.calc = Rescuplus(command=rsccmd, input_data=input_data) # relaxation calculation if fixatoms is not None: atoms.set_constraint(FixAtoms(indices=fixatoms)) opt = BFGS( atoms, trajectory="nano_rlx.traj", restart="nano_rlx.pckl", logfile="nano_rlx_log.out", ) # opt.replay_trajectory("nano_rlx.traj") shutil.copy("rescuplus.rso", "nano_scf_out.json") fname = move_results("scf", output) self.reference_calculator = + ".json")