Source code for nanotools.restart

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2020-06-16

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

import attr
from nanotools.base import Base

[docs] @attr.s class Restart(Base): """``Restart`` class. The ``restart`` class gathers the paths of files containing previously calculated results, which can be used for restart. By default, the density is saved upon completing a ground state calculation. The ``densityPath`` field is then updated to point to the results. Any kind of restart will then automatically import the density given in ``densityPath``. If the ground state density is not found in ``densityPath`` then the code ignores it and proceeds without restart. If ``DMkPath`` or ``DMRPath`` is set, then the k-space or real space density matrix is saved to the specified path. Next, a calculation can be restarted from either density matrix. If the ground state density matrix is not found then the code ignores it and proceeds without restart. Attention: if ``DMkPath`` or ``DMRPath`` is set, the ground state density is no longer saved in the output file. If several attributes have valid restart data, then the precedence goes as follows: ``densityPath``, ``DMkPath``, ``DMRPath``. Example:: from nanotools import Atoms, Cell, Kpoint, System, TotalEnergy a = 2.818 # lattice constant (ang) cell = Cell(avec=[[0.,a,a],[a,0.,a],[a,a,0.]], resolution=0.12) fxyz = [[0.00,0.00,0.00],[0.25,0.25,0.25]] atoms = Atoms(fractional_positions=fxyz, formula="GaAs") sys = System(cell=cell, atoms=atoms) sys.kpoint.set_grid([5,5,5]) calc = TotalEnergy(sys) calc.solver.set_mpi_command(mpi="mpiexec -n 4") calccpy = calc.copy() # SCF calc.solve() # Restart from density (and save density automatically) calc = calccpy.copy() calc.solver.mix.maxit = 1 calc.solver.restart.densityPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solve() # Restart from density and save k-space density matrix calc = calccpy.copy() calc.solver.mix.maxit = 1 calc.solver.restart.densityPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solver.restart.DMkPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solve() # Restart from k-space density matrix and save real space density matrix calc = calccpy.copy() calc.solver.mix.maxit = 1 calc.solver.restart.DMkPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solver.restart.DMRPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solve() # Restart from real space density matrix calc = calccpy.copy() calc.solver.mix.maxit = 1 calc.solver.restart.DMRPath = "nano_scf_out.h5" calc.solve() Attributes: densityPath (string): Path to an HDF5 file. The group ``/density/groundstate`` will be read and used as an initial guess. Examples:: restart.densityPath = "/path/to/hdf5/file" DMkPath (string): Path to an HDF5 file. The group ``/aomtrx/DMk``, containing the k-space density matrix, will be read and used as an initial guess. Examples:: restart.DMkPath = "/path/to/hdf5/file" DMRPath (string): Path to an HDF5 file. The group ``/aomtrx/DMR``, containing the real space density matrix, will be read and used as an initial guess. Examples:: restart.DMRPath = "/path/to/hdf5/file" HkPath (string): Path to an HDF5 file. The group ``/hamiltonian``, containing the \Gamma - point hamiltonian and orbital-overlap matrix. Examples:: restart.HkPath = "/path/to/hdf5/file" HRPath (string): Path to an HDF5 file. The group ``/hamiltonian``, containing the real space hamiltonian and orbital-overlap matrix. Examples:: restart.HRPath = "/path/to/hdf5/file" ground_state_density_return (bool): Save the ground state density to ``densityPath`` if True, and do not save otherwise. partial_core_density_return (bool): Save the partial core density to ``densityPath`` if True, and do not save otherwise. neutral_atom_density_return (bool): Save the neutral atom density to ``densityPath`` if True, and do not save otherwise. potential_return (bool): Save the potential to ``densityPath`` if True, and do not save otherwise. """ densityPath: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) DMkPath: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) DMRPath: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) HkPath: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) HRPath: str = attr.ib( default="", validator=attr.validators.instance_of(str), ) ground_state_density_return: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool), ) partial_core_density_return: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool), ) neutral_atom_density_return: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool), ) potential_return: bool = attr.ib( default=True, validator=attr.validators.instance_of(bool), ) def clear_paths(self): self.densityPath = "" self.DMkPath = "" self.DMRPath = "" def set_densityPath(self, path: str): self.densityPath = path def set_DMkPath(self, path: str): self.DMkPath = path def set_DMRPath(self, path: str): self.DMRPath = path