Source code for nanotools.system

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module defines the ``System`` class."""

from pathlib import Path
import attr
import numpy as np
import h5py
from nanotools.atoms import Atoms
from nanotools.base import Base
from nanotools.cell import Cell
from nanotools.hamiltonian import Hamiltonian
from nanotools.kpoint import Kpoint
from nanotools.pop import Pop
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter, read_field, ureg, to_quantity
from nanotools.xc import Xc

[docs] @attr.s class System(Base): """ The ``System`` class contains the physical description of an atomic system. Examples:: from nanotools import Atoms, Cell, System a = 2.818 # lattice constant (ang) cell = Cell(avec=[[0.,a,a],[a,0.,a],[a,a,0.]], resolution=0.12) fxyz = [[0.00,0.00,0.00],[0.25,0.25,0.25]] atoms = Atoms(fractional_positions=fxyz, formula="GaAs") sys = System(cell=cell, atoms=atoms) sys.kpoint.set_grid([5,5,5]) Attributes: atoms (Atoms): Contains the atomic configuration description (coordinates, species, etc.) cell (Cell): Contains cell related parameters. hamiltonian (Hamiltonian): Contains Hamiltonian parameters. kpoint (Kpoint): Contains k-point related parameters. pop (Pop): Contains population (occupancy) related parameters. xc (Xc): Contains the DFT functional parameters. """ # required atoms: Atoms = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Atoms), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Atoms), ) cell: Cell = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Cell), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Cell), ) # optional hamiltonian: Hamiltonian = attr.ib( factory=Hamiltonian, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Hamiltonian), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Hamiltonian), ) kpoint: Kpoint = attr.ib( factory=Kpoint, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Kpoint), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Kpoint), ) pop: Pop = attr.ib( factory=Pop, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Pop), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Pop), ) xc: Xc = attr.ib( factory=Xc, converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, Xc), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(Xc), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self._read_xc_type() self._finalize_init() self._check_init() def _finalize_init(self): ######### # atoms # ######### if self.atoms.initial_magnetic_moments is None: if self.hamiltonian.ispin == 4: natm = self.atoms.get_number_of_atoms() self.atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(np.zeros((natm, 3))) self.atoms._init_vso(self.hamiltonian.soc) self.atoms._sync_positions(cell=self.cell) ########## # kpoint # ########## self.kpoint.set_bvec(self.cell) self.kpoint.set_fractional_coordinates(self.kpoint.fractional_coordinates) # gate/dielectric fractional ranges for g in self.hamiltonian.extpot.gates: self._set_region_frac_ranges(g) for g in self.hamiltonian.extpot.dielectrics: self._set_region_frac_ranges(g) def _check_init(self): if self.pop.type in ["tm"] and self.kpoint.grid is None: raise Exception('kpoint.grid must be provided if pop.type == "tm"') if self.pop.type in ["tm"] and < 8: raise Exception( 'kpoint.grid must be at least 2 in every dimension if pop.type == "tm"' ) self._validate_positions() def _read_xc_type(self): """Automatically read the XC functional type from the atomic orbital basis.""" if self.atoms.species[0].path == None: return else: path_pp = Path(self.atoms.species[0].path) if not path_pp.exists(): return else: varname = "info" try: f = h5py.File(path_pp, "r") lines = ascii2string(f["data"][varname][:, 0]) except: f = lines = f["data"][varname][:, 0][0][0] if lines: line = lines.split("\n") w1 = "XC functional = " for n, l in enumerate(line): if w1 in l: vxc = l.split(w1)[1] if "LSDA" in vxc: functional = "LDA" self.xc.set_functional(str(functional)) elif "GGA" in vxc: functional = "PBE" self.xc.set_functional(str(functional))
[docs] @classmethod def from_ase_atoms(cls, ase_atoms): """Returns a system object given an ASE-atoms object.""" cell = Cell(avec=ase_atoms.get_cell().array * ureg.angstrom) atoms = Atoms( positions=ase_atoms.get_positions(), formula="".join(ase_atoms.get_chemical_symbols()), ) sys = cls(cell=cell, atoms=atoms) return sys
[docs] def get_number_of_atoms(self): """Returns the number of atoms.""" return self.atoms.get_number_of_atoms()
[docs] def get_species_labels(self): """Returns a list of the species labels.""" return self.atoms.get_species_labels()
[docs] def set_cell(self, cell): """Rescale avec to a specific volume.""" self.cell = cell self._reset_cell()
[docs] def set_kpoint_path(self, special_points=None, grid=None): """Compute k-point coordinates along the line specified in ``Kpoint`` object. Args: special_points (list): List of high symmetry points coordinates or label that create the Brillouin zone sampling. grid (int): Total number of grid points. They will be evenly distributed as possible. """ self.kpoint.__init__(type="line", special_points=special_points, grid=grid) self.kpoint.set_bvec(self.cell) self.kpoint.set_kpoint_path(special_points=special_points, grid=grid) # reset (-1,nk,-1) quantities since shape becomes incorrect self.pop.__init__()
[docs] def set_occ(self, bands, occ, num_bands=None): """Set the occupancies in the ``pop`` object. Args: bands (list): Two-element list giving the index range of fixed occupancies. The bands below the range are considered fully occupied and those above fully unoccupied. occ (3D array): Occupancies in the index range given by ``bands``. num_bands (int): Total number of bands in the calculation. """ self.pop.set_type("fixed") bands = np.array(bands, dtype=int) nband = int(bands[1]) nkpt = self.kpoint.get_kpoint_num() nspin = self.hamiltonian.get_spin_num() if num_bands is not None: nocc = np.zeros((num_bands, nkpt, nspin), order="F") else: nocc = np.zeros((nband, nkpt, nspin), order="F") # bands < bands[0] fully occupied nocc[0 : bands[0] - 1, :, :] = 1.0 nocc[bands[0] - 1 : bands[1], :, :] = occ # kpt/spin factor not included ntot = np.sum(nocc) * 2 / nspin / nkpt self.pop.occ = nocc self.set_valence_charge(ntot)
[docs] def set_valence_charge(self, charge, relative=False): """Sets the valence change to a new value. Update dependent attributes like the number of bands. """ if relative: charge += self.atoms.valence_charge self.atoms.set_valence_charge(charge)
[docs] def set_volume(self, v): """Rescale avec to a specific volume.""" self.cell.set_volume(v) self._reset_cell()
[docs] def set_fractional_positions(self, fractional_positions): """Sets the atomic fractional positions.""" self.atoms.set_fractional_positions(fractional_positions, cell=self.cell)
[docs] def set_positions(self, positions): """Sets the atomic positions.""" self.atoms.set_positions(positions, cell=self.cell)
[docs] def supercell(self, T): """ Create a supercell ``System`` object from a ``System`` object. Args: T (NDArray): A (3x3) linear transformation. Returns: """ from import make_supercell from nanotools.utils import ureg T = np.array(T) if T.size == 3: T = np.diag(T) isdiag = np.allclose(T, np.diag(np.diag(T))) sup = self.copy() atoms0 = self.to_ase_atoms() atoms1 = make_supercell(atoms0, T, wrap=True) sup.cell.set_avec(atoms1.cell.array * ureg.angstrom) grid = None if isdiag: grid = self.cell.grid * np.diag(T) sup.cell.set_grid(grid) # call before because set_positions assumes it sup.atoms.set_positions(atoms1.positions * ureg.angstrom, cell=sup.cell) sup.atoms.set_species_indices(atoms1.get_chemical_symbols()) sup.atoms.formula = None sup.atoms.formula = sup.atoms.get_formula() sup.atoms.doping_ratios = np.tile( self.atoms.doping_ratios, int(np.round(np.linalg.det(T))) ) sup.atoms.set_ionic_charge() sup.atoms.set_valence_charge() sup.kpoint.set_bvec(sup.cell) grid = None if isdiag: grid = np.ceil(self.kpoint.grid / np.diag(T)).astype(int) sup.kpoint.grid = grid sup.kpoint.set_fractional_coordinates() self.__dict__.update(sup.__dict__)
[docs] def to_ase_atoms(self): """Returns a an ASE-atoms object corresponding to a system object.""" from ase import Atoms sys = self.copy() sys.set_units("si") avec = sys.cell.avec pos = sys.atoms.positions symbols = sys.atoms.get_symbols(standard=True) atoms = Atoms( symbols,"angstrom").m,"angstrom").m, pbc=[1, 1, 1], ) return atoms
[docs] def vacate(self, site, keep_aob=True): """ Replaces an atom of a ``System`` with a vacuum atom. Args: Site (int): site of the site to be vacated (0-based). keep_aob (bool): If ``True``, a vacuum atom with the same atomic orbital basis is created and introduced in place of the vacated atom; the atom is simply vacated otherwise. Returns: """ self.atoms.to_vacuum(site, keep_aob=keep_aob)
[docs] def write_format(self, filename=""): """ examples: etot.system.write_format("") examples: etot.system.write_format("structure.cif") """ from import write as write_ase atm = self.to_ase_atoms() write_ase(filename, atm)
def _reset_cell(self): """Reset quantities related to cell after setting a new cell.""" self.atoms.set_fractional_positions( self.atoms.fractional_positions, cell=self.cell ) self.kpoint.set_bvec(self.cell)
[docs] def set_open_boundary(self, dir): """ Set the boundary condition to be the Neumann type on the surface normal to the given direction. Args: dir (List[string]): directions along which the Neumann boundary condition is to be set, eg. ["-x","+y","-z"] """ Neuman = 3 for lab in dir: if lab == "-x": self.cell.boundary[0] = Neuman elif lab == "+x": self.cell.boundary[1] = Neuman elif lab == "-y": self.cell.boundary[2] = Neuman elif lab == "+y": self.cell.boundary[3] = Neuman elif lab == "-z": self.cell.boundary[4] = Neuman elif lab == "+z": self.cell.boundary[5] = Neuman else: raise Exception("dim not recognized")
[docs] def set_soc(self, soc): """Sets ``hamiltonian.soc``. This function automatically updates the SO pseudopotential which is not read and stored by default. """ self.hamiltonian.set_soc(soc) self.atoms._init_vso(soc)
def _set_region_frac_ranges(self, region): if region.x_range is not None: region.fractional_x_range = np.array(region.x_range) / self.cell.get_length( axis=0 ) if region.y_range is not None: region.fractional_y_range = np.array(region.y_range) / self.cell.get_length( axis=1 ) if region.z_range is not None: region.fractional_z_range = np.array(region.z_range) / self.cell.get_length( axis=2 )
[docs] def add_gate(self, region, work_func=0.0 * ureg.eV, Vgs=0.0 * ureg.eV): """Add a gate object to the system. Args: region (Region): object specifying a rectangular/parallelepipedic region in the 3d simulation box. work_func (float): metal work function of the gate, eg. 5.28 (eV) for gold. Vgs (float): gate - source voltage units (string): energy unit """ work_func = to_quantity(work_func, "eV") Vgs = to_quantity(Vgs, "eV") eps = 1.0e-10 Dirichlet = 2 grid = self.kpoint.grid.copy() r = region.copy() self._set_region_frac_ranges(r) r.val = work_func - Vgs # electro-potential w.r.t. source fermi energy. unit eV self.hamiltonian.extpot.gates.append(r) if ( abs(region.fractional_x_range[0] - 0) < eps and abs(region.fractional_x_range[1] - 0) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[0] = Dirichlet grid[0] = 1 elif ( abs(region.fractional_x_range[0] - 1) < eps and abs(region.fractional_x_range[1] - 1) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[1] = Dirichlet grid[0] = 1 elif ( abs(region.fractional_y_range[0] - 0) < eps and abs(region.fractional_y_range[1] - 0) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[2] = Dirichlet grid[1] = 1 elif ( abs(region.fractional_y_range[0] - 1) < eps and abs(region.fractional_y_range[1] - 1) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[3] = Dirichlet grid[1] = 1 elif ( abs(region.fractional_z_range[0] - 0) < eps and abs(region.fractional_z_range[1] - 0) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[4] = Dirichlet grid[2] = 1 elif ( abs(region.fractional_z_range[0] - 1) < eps and abs(region.fractional_z_range[1] - 1) < eps ): self.cell.boundary[5] = Dirichlet grid[2] = 1 else: raise Exception("Gate position unclear.") self.kpoint = Kpoint(grid=grid) self.kpoint.set_bvec(self.cell)
[docs] def add_dielectric(self, region, epsilon=1.0): """Add a dielectric object to the system. Args: region (Region): object specifying a rectangular/parallelepipedic region in the 3d simulation box. epsilon (float): dielectric constant (relative to vacuum) """ r = region.copy() self._set_region_frac_ranges(r) eq = ureg.Quantity(epsilon) r.val = eq.magnitude * ureg.dimensionless self.hamiltonian.extpot.dielectrics.append(r)
def _validate_positions(self, min_distance=0.1, range_tol=5): """Validates that atoms are not too close and not too far outside the domain (cell).""" dtol = 1e-12 * ureg.angstrom fpos = self.atoms.get_fractional_positions(self.cell) if np.any(np.abs(fpos) > range_tol): raise Exception( """Some atom lies quite far outside the box given by cell. The calculation cannot proceed. Consider using the wrap method of atoms to wrap the atoms back into the first unit cell.""" ) atoms = self.atoms.copy() atoms.set_units("si") cell = self.cell.copy() cell.set_units("si") dmat = atoms.get_distance_matrix(cell, max_distance=min_distance) if np.any(dmat > dtol): raise Exception( f"""Some atoms lie within {min_distance} Ang from one another. This system is unphysical, please revise your input.""" )
def calc_magnetic_moments_collinear(cell, atoms, denpath): rhou = read_field(denpath, "density/spin-up").flatten(order="F") rhod = read_field(denpath, "density/spin-down").flatten(order="F") mag = rhou - rhod xyz = cell.get_grids() pos = atoms.positions rad = atoms.magnetic_radii natm = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() dr = cell.get_dr() magnetic_moments = np.zeros((natm)) for i in range(natm): r = np.linalg.norm(xyz - pos[i, :], axis=1) mask = r < rad[i] magnetic_moments[i] = np.sum(mag[mask], axis=0) * dr return magnetic_moments def calc_magnetic_moments_non_collinear(cell, atoms, denpath): rhox = read_field(denpath, "density/spin-x").reshape((-1, 1), order="F") rhoy = read_field(denpath, "density/spin-y").reshape((-1, 1), order="F") rhoz = read_field(denpath, "density/spin-z").reshape((-1, 1), order="F") mag = np.hstack((rhox, rhoy, rhoz)) xyz = cell.get_grids() pos = atoms.positions rad = atoms.magnetic_radii natm = atoms.get_number_of_atoms() dr = cell.get_dr() magnetic_moments = np.zeros((natm, 3)) for i in range(natm): r = np.linalg.norm(xyz - pos[i, :], axis=1) mask = r < rad[i] magnetic_moments[i, :] = np.sum(mag[mask, :], axis=0) * dr return magnetic_moments
[docs] def plot_isosurfaces(system, field, vals=None): """ plot isosurface of selected wavefunction at given contour-values Args: system (system) field (3d-array) vals (list of float): contour values """ from ase.visualize import mlab # remove complex phase f_abs = np.abs(field.m) f_div = np.where(np.abs(np.angle(field.m)) < np.pi / 2, f_abs, -f_abs) if vals is None: # default contour value vals_arr = np.array([(f_abs.max() + f_abs.min()) / 2]) else: vals_arr = np.array(vals) if np.any(f_div < 0) and np.all(vals_arr > 0): # show negative counterpart if any val_list = list(vals_arr.ravel()) + list(-vals_arr.ravel()) else: val_list = list(vals_arr.ravel()) # remove values that are out of bounds vals_arr = np.array(val_list) vals_arr = vals_arr[np.logical_and(f_div.min() < vals_arr, vals_arr < f_div.max())] val_list = list(vals_arr) # shift atoms' positions because fortran uses 1-based grid # whereas python assumes 0-based grid atoms = system.to_ase_atoms() grid = system.cell.grid uvw = atoms.get_cell() du = uvw[0] / grid[0] dv = uvw[1] / grid[1] dw = uvw[2] / grid[2] pos = atoms.get_positions() - (du + dv + dw) atoms.set_positions(pos) mlab.plot(atoms, f_div, contours=val_list)
def ascii2string(num): return "".join([chr(i) for i in num])