Source code for nanotools.twoprobe

from attr import field
from pathlib import Path
from nanotools.base import Base, Quantity
from nanotools.utils import to_quantity, ureg
from nanotools.kpoint import Kpoint
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter
import attr
import copy
import numpy as np
import os
import scipy
import scipy.signal
import shutil

[docs] @attr.s class TwoProbe(Base): """ ``TwoProbe`` calculator class. Attributes: transport_axis (int): Transport direction. left_equal_right (bool): Indicates whether the two lead structures are identical. bias (Quantity): Drain-source bias voltage. energy_resolution (Quantity): Energy resolution for real-axis integration. """ # must specify at initialization: system, transport_axis center: TotalEnergy = field( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy), ) left: TotalEnergy = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy)), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy)), ) right: TotalEnergy = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy)), validator=attr.validators.optional(attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy)), ) transport_axis: int = field( default=-1, validator=attr.validators.in_([-1, 0, 1, 2]) ) left_equal_right: bool = field(default=False) # are lead structures identical? # drain-source bias bias: Quantity = field( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) # resolution on real energy axis for contour integral # ideally should equal pop.eta energy_resolution: Quantity = field( default=0.01 * ureg.eV, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) classname: str = attr.ib() @classname.default def _classname_default_value(self): return self.__class__.__name__ def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.transport_axis < 0: self.transport_axis = get_transport_dir( if self.transport_axis not in [0, 1, 2]: raise Exception("transport direction not specified.") = copy.deepcopy( if self.left is None: self.left = copy.deepcopy( else: self.left = copy.deepcopy(self.left) if self.right is None: self.left_equal_right = True if self.left_equal_right: print("Left and right lead structures are same.") self.right = copy.deepcopy(self.left) else: self.right = copy.deepcopy(self.right) if self.bias is None: self.bias = self.set_units("si") self.set_bias( bias=self.bias, energy_resolution=self.energy_resolution ) # also checks pop.eta down the line grid = if grid is not None and grid[self.transport_axis] > 1: print("k-points to be cut off along transport direction") grid[self.transport_axis] = 1 = Kpoint(grid=grid) )[ self.transport_axis * 2 : self.transport_axis * 2 + 2 ] = [1, 1]"fd") self.left.system.pop.set_type(type="fd") self.right.system.pop.set_type(type="fd") # the scf program will start by looking for these files # self.left.solver.restart.densityPath = "left_out.h5" # self.right.solver.restart.densityPath = "right_out.h5"
[docs] def set_bias(self, bias, energy_resolution=None): """Sets drain-source bias and optionally the energy resolution for real-axis integration. Args: bias (Quantity/float): drain-source bias energy_resolution (Quantity/float): energy resolution for real-axis integration """ self.bias = to_quantity(bias, "eV") = self.bias if energy_resolution is not None: self.set_energy_resolution(energy_resolution) = int( abs(self.bias / self.energy_resolution).to("dimensionless").m )
def set_energy_resolution(self, resolution): self.energy_resolution = to_quantity(resolution, "eV") if < (0.1 * self.energy_resolution): print( "Warning: eta for Green Function computation is way smaller than energy_resolution ..." ) print("consider larger eta or adjusting energy_resolution down to eta.") # self.set_eta(self.energy_resolution) def set_eta(self, eta): self.left.system.pop.set_eta(eta) self.right.system.pop.set_eta(eta) if < (0.1 * self.energy_resolution): print( "Warning: eta for Green Function computation is way smaller than energy_resolution ..." ) print("consider larger eta or adjusting energy_resolution down to eta.")
[docs] def set_mpi_command(self, mpi): """Sets os command to run nanodcalplus, for all types of calculations eg. mpi="mpiexec -n 16" """ self.left.solver.set_mpi_command(mpi) self.right.solver.set_mpi_command(mpi)
[docs] def solve_left(self): """self-consistent calculation for lead""" if Path("left_out.h5").is_file() and Path("left_out.json").is_file(): print("calculation seems complete for left lead") self.left ="left_out.json") else: self.left.solve(input="left", output="left_out")
[docs] def solve_right(self): """self-consistent calculation for lead""" if not self.left_equal_right: # if different structure if Path("right_out.h5").is_file() and Path("right_out.json").is_file(): print("calculation seems complete for right lead") self.right ="right_out.json") else: self.right.solve(input="right", output="right_out") else: self.right = copy.deepcopy(self.left)
def solve(self, input="nano_2prb_in", output="nano_2prb_out"): self.solve_left() self.solve_right() self.left.solver.mpidist = self.right.solver.mpidist = self.left.solver.cmd = self.right.solver.cmd = inputname = os.path.splitext(input)[0] + ".json" self.write(inputname) command, binname ="2prb") ret = command(inputname) ret.check_returncode() shutil.move("nano_2prb_out.json", output + ".json") self._update(output + ".json")
[docs] def smooth_field(self, field, axis, width=2.0, shape="erf", preslice=None): """Smooths a field by circular convolution. Args: field (str): str: Path in the HDF5 filed pointed to by self.solver.restart.density. For example, "potential/effective". axis (int): Axis remaining after averaging. The value should be between 0 and 2. width (float): Unit system ('atomic' or 'si') preslice (lamda): Lamda expression that slices the field, for example when we wanna cut out the surrounding vaccum preslice=lambda f: f[:,60:90,:] """ if axis != self.transport_axis: return field=field, axis=axis, width=width, shape=shape ) axes_cross = list(range(3)) axes_cross.pop(axis) field3 = [self.left.get_field(field),] if self.left_equal_right: field3.append(self.left.get_field(field)) else: field3.append(self.right.get_field(field)) if field.find("potential") != -1: field3[0] = field3[0] - field3[2] = field3[2] - - self.bias if preslice is not None: for j in range(len(field3)): field3[j] = preslice(field3[j]) for j in range(len(field3)): field3[j] = np.mean(field3[j], axis=tuple(axes_cross)) field3 = np.concatenate(tuple(field3)) x_l = self.left.system.cell.get_grid(axis=axis) x_c = x_r = self.right.system.cell.get_grid(axis=axis) dx = lx_l = self.left.system.cell.get_length(axis=axis) lx_c = lx_r = self.right.system.cell.get_length(axis=axis) L = lx_l + lx_c + lx_r x_lcr = np.concatenate((x_l - lx_l, x_c, x_r + lx_c)) + lx_l x3 = np.concatenate((x_lcr - L, x_lcr, x_lcr + L)) pulse = 0.5 * (scipy.special.erf((x3.m - width / 2.0)) + 1.0) - 0.5 * ( scipy.special.erf((x3.m + width / 2.0)) + 1.0 ) pulse = pulse / np.sum(pulse) / dx for i in np.arange(2): field3 = scipy.signal.convolve(np.tile(field3, 3), pulse, mode="full") * dx field3 = field3[2 * x_lcr.size : 3 * x_lcr.size] return field3[x_l.size : x_l.size + x_c.size]
[docs] @classmethod def read3(cls, file_center, file_left=None, file_right=None, units="si"): """initialize TwoProbe object from json files. Args: file_center (string) file_left (string/None) file_right (string/None) units (string): unit system. eg. file_center="center_out.json" file_left="left_out.json" file_right="right_out.json" """ inpDict = {} inpDict["center"] =, units) if file_left is not None: inpDict["left"] =, units) if file_right is not None: inpDict["right"] =, units) ins = cls(**inpDict) return ins
def get_transport_dir(bd): assert len(bd) == 6 nz = np.flatnonzero(np.array(bd) == 1)[0] td = / 2)) if td not in [0, 1, 2]: td = -1 # raise Exception('fail to identify transport direction from the given boundary condition.') return td