Source code for nanotools.vbm

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2021-06-04

@author: Vincent Michaud-Rioux

from nptyping import NDArray
from typing import List
import attr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from nanotools.base import Base
from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy
from nanotools.utils import dict_converter, to_quantity, Quantity

[docs] @attr.s class ValenceBandMaximum(Base): """``ValenceBandMaximum`` class. Examples:: from nanotools.totalenergy import TotalEnergy from nanotools.vbm import ValenceBandMaximum as VBM ecalc ="nano_scf_init.json") calc = VBM.from_totalenergy(ecalc) calc.charge_deltas = [0.001] calc.solve() fig = calc.plot_vbm() calc.print_vbm() Attributes: calculators: Stores the calculators for each element of ``charge_deltas``. charge_deltas: Charge variations in electrons. reference_calculator: Total energy calculator. vbm: Valence band maximum. """ # input is dictionary with default constructor reference_calculator: TotalEnergy = attr.ib( converter=lambda d: dict_converter(d, TotalEnergy), validator=attr.validators.instance_of(TotalEnergy), ) calculators: List[TotalEnergy] = attr.ib(default=[]) charge_deltas: NDArray = attr.ib( default=np.array([0.001]), converter=lambda v: np.array(v), ) vbm: Quantity = attr.ib( default=None, converter=attr.converters.optional(lambda x: to_quantity(x, "eV")), validator=attr.validators.optional( attr.validators.instance_of(Quantity), ), ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): if self.calculators is not None: calc = [] for s in self.calculators: if isinstance(s, dict): calc.append(TotalEnergy(**s)) elif isinstance(s, TotalEnergy): calc.append(s) else: raise Exception("Invalid TotalEnergy calculators.") self.calculators = calc @classmethod def from_totalenergy(cls, totalenergy, **kwargs): if isinstance(totalenergy, TotalEnergy): pass else: totalenergy = calc = cls(reference_calculator=totalenergy, **kwargs) return calc def get_charge_deltas(self): delta = [self.reference_calculator.system.atoms.valence_charge] delta += [(delta[0]-d) for d in self.charge_deltas] return delta[0] - np.array(delta) def get_total_energies(self): etots = [] etots += [ for c in self.calculators] return Quantity.from_list(etots) def get_vbm(self): if self.vbm is None: deltas = self.get_charge_deltas() etots = self.get_total_energies() self.vbm = (etots[0] - etots[1:]) / deltas[1:] return self.vbm def print_vbm(self): vbm = self.get_vbm() for v, d in zip(vbm, self.charge_deltas): print("The VBM is = %f %s (delta = %f)" % (v.m, v.u, d))
[docs] def plot_vbm(self, filename=None, show=True): """Generates a semilogx plot of the VBMs (one for each charge_delta). Args: filename (str, optional): If not None, then the figure is saved to filename. show (bool, optional): If True block and show figure. If False, do not show figure. Returns: fig (:obj:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`): A figure handle. """ vbm = self.get_vbm() fig = plt.figure() x = self.charge_deltas y = vbm.m plt.semilogx(x, y, "o-k") plt.xlabel("Delta (e)") plt.ylabel(f"VBM ({vbm.u})") if show: if filename is not None: fig.savefig(filename) return fig
def solve(self): # make sure units are consistent self.reference_calculator.solve() n = 0 for delta in self.charge_deltas: if delta < 0.0: raise Exception("delta must be positive.") calc = self.reference_calculator.copy() calc.system.atoms.valence_charge -= delta calc.solve(output=f"nano_scf_out_{n}.json") self.calculators.append(calc) self.write("nano_vbm_out.json", units="si") n += 1