Citing QTCAD

If you used QTCAD in your projects, please consider citing us in your scientific publications.

We recommend citing the QTCAD page on Nanoacademic’s website.

In addition, we recommend citing the following peer-reviewed scientific papers:

  • F. Beaudoin et al. Robust Technology Computer-Aided Design of Gated Quantum Dots at Cryogenic Temperature. Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 264001 (2022).

  • R. Prentki et al. Robust Sub-Kelvin Simulations of Quantum Dot Charge Sensing. 2023 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and Devices (SISPAD). IEEE (2023).

  • P. Philippopoulos et al. Analysis and 3D TCAD Simulations of Single-Qubit Control in an Industrially-Compatible FD-SOI Device Solid-State Electronics 215, 108883 (2024).