qtcad.device.materials module

Defines the material class along with a database of default materials.

class qtcad.device.materials.Material(inp_dict=None, alloy_func=None, alloy_composition=0, ignore_warn=False)

Bases: Material

A material is a dictionary of parameters and a method to display them.

  • name (str) – Chemical formula of the material

  • valleys (2D field) – Location of the valleys (in the Brillouin zone). Each valley has a corresponding inverse effective-mass tensor. These tensors are listed in the attribute ‘Me_inv_valley’. First index: valley index. Second index: Cartesian direction index

  • mc (1D field) – Electron effective mass (bulk density of states) for each band

  • mv (1D field) – Hole effective mass (bulk density of states) for each band

  • Me_inv (2D field) – Inverse effective-mass tensor to use in 2D and 3D Schroedinger solvers.

  • Me_inv_valley (3D field) – Inverse effective-mass tensor corresponding to each valley of the ‘valleys’ attribute. These tensors can be used in the 2D and 3D Schroedinger solvers. First index: valley index. Second and third index: Cartesian direction index.

  • mc_xc (0D field) – Electron effective mass used in exchange-correlation potential calculation

  • mv (0D field) – Hole effective mass (bulk density of states)

  • gc (1D field of int) – Total (spin and valley) conduction band degeneracy (bulk) for each band

  • gv (1D field of int) – Total valence band degeneracy (bulk) for each band

  • gqc (0D field of int) – Total degeneracy (spin and valley) of electrons to use when populating energy eigenstates. Default: 4, for spin degeneracy and two-fold valley degeneracy of the Delta_2 valley in silicon under strong confinement.

  • gqv (0D field of int) – Total degeneracy (spin and valley) for holes to use when populating energy eigenstates. Default: 1, the models currently implmented solve explicitly for each band of the system.

  • eps (0D field) – Permittivity

  • Eg (0D field) – Bandgap

  • chi (0D field) – Electron affinity

  • insulator (0D field of bool) – If True, the material is modeled as an ideal insulator (no wavefunction penetration). Default: False.

  • hole_kp_params (1D array) – Values of all k.p parameters for holes. In order we have \(\gamma_1\), \(\gamma_2\), \(\gamma_3\), and \(\Delta\) (spin-orbit splitting).

  • hole_Zeeman_params (1D array) – Hole g factors. First entry is the kappa g factor which couples the spin-3/2 matrices to the B field and the second entry is the q g factor which couples the cube of the spin-3/2 matrices to the B field

  • macro_diff (0D field) – Difference between the macroscopic potential of the material and that of the reference material.

  • vlnce_band_macro (0D field) – Position of the valence band edge with respect to the macroscopic potential in the bulk material.

  • cond_band_def_pot (1d array) – Conduction band deformation potential parameters.

  • vlnce_band_def_pot (1d array) – Valence band deformation potential parameters.

__init__(inp_dict=None, alloy_func=None, alloy_composition=0, ignore_warn=False)

Constructor of the Materials class.

  • inp_dict (Dictionary or None, optional) – Dictionary defining all materials parameters. If None, use default materials parameters, which are those of silicon.

  • alloy_func (function) – A function that outputs an input dictionary. The function should be a function of a float between 0 and 1 which determines the alloy composition.

  • alloy_composition (float) – The scalar value between 0 and 1 indicating the default alloy composition.

  • ignore_warn (bool) – Whether to ignore the warning for the unassigned value in the material.


Creates a deep copy of the current material.


Material object – The copy of this material.


Displays parameters of given material.


Sets the alloy composition fraction x in a binary alloy of the form \(\mathrm{A}_x\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) or \(\mathrm{A}_{1-x}\mathrm{B}_{x}\).


x (float) – The composition fraction \(x\).

set_param(param_name, param_val)

Sets the value of a material parameter.

  • param_name (str) – The string labeling the parameter to modify.

  • param_val – The value of the material parameter.

qtcad.device.materials.alloy_bowing(prop, mat_1, mat_2, x, bowing=0.0)

Function to evaluate binary alloy property from a linear or quadratic interpolation between two material parameters.

  • prop (str) – Material property to evaluate.

  • mat_1 (material obj) – First material in binary alloy

  • mat_2 (material obj) – Second material in binary alloy

  • x (float) – The concentration of the first material in the alloy.

  • bowing (float, optional) – Bowing parameter giving the coefficient of the quadratic term in the property evaluation.


float or ndarray – The value of the material property for the binary alloy.


See S. Adachi, III-V Ternary and Quaternary Compounds, Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials, Springer International Publishing (2017).

qtcad.device.materials.alloy_cubic(a, b, c, d, x, material=1)

Define an alloy property based on a cubic fit.

The alloy is of the form \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) where \(x\) is the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

The material property is given by \(a+bx+cx^2+dx^3\).

  • a (float) – Value of the \(a\) coefficient in the cubic fit.

  • b (float) – Value of the \(b\) coefficient in the cubic fit.

  • c (float) – Value of the \(c\) coefficient in the cubic fit.

  • d (float) – Value of the \(d\) coefficient in the cubic fit.

  • x (float) – Concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

  • material (int, optional) – If 1, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\). If 2, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm B\), and the alloy is \(\mathrm A_{1-x} \mathrm B_x\). In this latter case, the values of the \(a\) and \(b\) are still interpreted as the values of the coefficients if \(x\) were the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).


Use material=2 if fitting coefficients are known for \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) but \(x\) is instead given for \(\mathrm{A}_{1-x}\mathrm B_x\).

qtcad.device.materials.alloy_linear(y_intercept, slope, x, material=1)

Define an alloy property based on a linear fit.

The alloy is of the form \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) where \(x\) is the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

The material property is given by \(a+bx\).

  • y_intercept (float) – Value of the \(a\) coefficient in the linear fit.

  • slope (float) – Value of the \(b\) coefficient in the linear fit.

  • x (float) – Concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

  • material (int, optional) – If 1, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\). If 2, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm B\), and the alloy is \(\mathrm A_{1-x} \mathrm B_x\). In this latter case, the values of the \(a\) and \(b\) are still interpreted as the values of the coefficients if \(x\) were the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).


Use material=2 if fitting coefficients are known for \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) but \(x\) is instead given for \(\mathrm{A}_{1-x}\mathrm B_x\).

qtcad.device.materials.alloy_quadratic(a, b, c, x, material=1)

Define an alloy property based on a quadratic fit.

The alloy is of the form \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) where \(x\) is the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

The material property is given by \(a+bx+cx^2\).

  • a (float) – Value of the \(a\) coefficient in the quadratic fit.

  • b (float) – Value of the \(b\) coefficient in the quadratic fit.

  • c (float) – Value of the \(c\) coefficient in the quadratic fit.

  • x (float) – Concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).

  • material (int, optional) – If 1, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\). If 2, \(x\) gives the concentration of material \(\mathrm B\), and the alloy is \(\mathrm A_{1-x} \mathrm B_x\). In this latter case, the values of the \(a\) and \(b\) are still interpreted as the values of the coefficients if \(x\) were the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).


Use material=2 if fitting coefficients are known for \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) but \(x\) is instead given for \(\mathrm{A}_{1-x}\mathrm B_x\).

qtcad.device.materials.alloy_threshold(prop, mat_1, mat_2, threshold, x)

Define an alloy property based on a threshold value on concentration.

The alloy is of the form \(\mathrm{A}_{x}\mathrm{B}_{1-x}\) where \(x\) is the concentration of material \(\mathrm A\), and where \(\mathrm A\) (\(\mathrm B\)) is given by mat_1 (mat_2).

The material property is the one from material \(\mathrm A\) if x > threshold and is the one from material \(\mathrm B\) if x <= threshold

  • prop (str) – Material property to evaluate.

  • mat_1 (material obj) – First material in binary alloy

  • mat_2 (material obj) – Second material in binary alloy

  • threshold (float) – Value of x below which the property is given by the first material.

  • x (float) – Concentration of material \(\mathrm A\).


Alloy-generating function for \(\mathrm{Al}_x\mathrm{Ga}_{1-x}\mathrm{As}\).


x (float) – Float indicating alloy composition; here this is the fraction \(x\) of Al in \(\mathrm{Al}_x\mathrm{Ga}_{1-x}\mathrm{As}\).


dict – Dictionary of values for each x-dependent material parameter in the alloy.


Alloy-generating function for SiGe.


x (float) – Float indicating alloy composition; here this is the fraction of Ge in SiGe.


dict – Dictionary of values for each x-dependent material parameter in the alloy.