8. DFT+U

In this section, we introduce DFT+U calculations. Note that the Hubbard operator is expressed in terms of atomic orbitals, and hence even grid-based calculations ultimately depend on the quality of the NAO basis. Moreover, the use of symmetry is prohibited.

8.1. Example: DOS of nickel oxide


Fig. 8.1.1 DOS of nickel oxide.

In this example, we calculate the electronic structure of nickel oxide using LDA+U. DFT+U calculations are usually more difficult to converge than DFT calculations. As such, it is profitable to perform a DFT calculation first and then use the results as an initial guess for the DFT+U calculation. Name the following input file nio_lcao_scf.input

LCAO.status = true
info.savepath = 'results/nio_lcao_scf'
info.calculationType = 'self-consistent'
atom.fracxyz = 'nio_111.xyz'
domain.latvec = 4.1705*[1 0.5 0.5;0.5 1 0.5;0.5 0.5 1]; units.domain.latvec = 'a'
domain.lowres = 0.3
element(1).species = 'Ni'
element(1).path = './Ni_TM_LDA.mat'
element(1).ortho = [0 0 0 1 1]
element(2).species = 'O'
element(2).path = './O_TM_LDA.mat'
functional.libxc = 0
functional.list = {'XC_LDA_X','XC_LDA_C_PW'}
kpoint.gridn = [6,6,6]; kpoint.shift = 0.5*[1,1,1]
kpoint.sampling = 'tetrahedron+blochl'
symmetry.spacesymmetry = false
symmetry.pointsymmetry = false
symmetry.timereversal = false
spin.type = 'collinear'
option.saveDensityMatrixK = true

where the file nio_111.xyz is

AtomType   X         Y         Z   magmom
Ni +0.00e+00 +0.00e+00 +0.00e+00 +1.0e+00
 O +2.50e-01 +2.50e-01 +2.50e-01 +0.0e+00
Ni +5.00e-01 +5.00e-01 +5.00e-01 -1.0e+00
 O +7.50e-01 +7.50e-01 +7.50e-01 +0.0e+00

Nickel oxide is arranged in a rock salt lattice, but its anti-ferromagnetic ground state breaks the atomic ordering. We thus use a rhombohedral supercell containing four atoms, and initialize the magnetic ordering using the fifth column of the xyz file nio_111.xyz. As usual, let’s make a few comments about the keywords used in the input file.

  • atom.fracxyz points to the xyz file containing the fractional atomic coordinates.

  • element.ortho specifies atomic orbitals to be orthonormalized. In DFT+U calculations, the atomic orbitals with a nonzero U are orthonormalized, and hence the same orbitals should be orthonormalized in the regular DFT calculation to yield a compatible density matrix.

  • kpoint.shift is used to shift the k-point grid. Since even Monkhorst-Pack grids are shifted away from \(\Gamma\), the shift of 0.5 brings the grid back on \(\Gamma\).

  • spin.type determines how spin is treated. Here we use the collinear spin formulation of DFT because nickel oxide is anti-ferromagnetic.

  • option.saveDensityMatrixK tells RESCU to save the density matrix calculated at every k-point. This way, it can be reused as an initial guess in the DFT+U calculation.

You may then run RESCU as follows

rescu -i nio_lcao_scf.input

Next comes the DFT+U calculation. Define the file nio_lcao_scf_u.input as follows

LCAO.status = true
info.savepath = 'results/nio_lcao_scf_u'
info.calculationType = 'self-consistent'
atom.fracxyz = 'nio_111.xyz'
domain.latvec = 4.1705*[1 0.5 0.5;0.5 1 0.5;0.5 0.5 1]; units.domain.latvec = 'a'
domain.lowres = 0.3
element(1).species = 'Ni'
element(1).path = './Ni_TM_LDA.mat'
element(1).CoulombEnergyU = [0 0 0 4 4]; units.element.CoulombEnergyU = 'ev'
element(2).species = 'O'
element(2).path = './O_TM_LDA.mat'
functional.libxc = 0
functional.list = {'XC_LDA_X','XC_LDA_C_PW'}
functional.includeU = 1
kpoint.gridn = [6,6,6]; kpoint.shift = 0.5*[1,1,1]
kpoint.sampling = 'tetrahedron+blochl'
spin.type = 'collinear'
rho.in = 'results/nio_lcao_scf'
LCAO.DMkcell = rho.in
dos.status = true
LCAO.mulliken = true

where nio_111.xyz remains the same. The input is essentially untouched except for the following keywords

  • element.CoulombEnergyU defines the Hubbard U (in atomic units) for the atomic orbitals in the pseudopotential file element.path. Here, we set the U parameter of the fourth and fifth orbitals (d-orbitals) of the nickel atoms to 0.1470 Hartree (4 eV) and zero otherwise. The U parameter of the oxygen orbitals is not specified, and hence it is initialized to zero as well.

  • functional.includeU determines whether to include the Hubbard term in the Hamiltonian and total energy.

  • LCAO.DMkcell tells RESCU where the density matrix for each k-point is saved. In this example, we point to the DFT results.

  • dos.status is set to true to compute the DOS at the end of the self-consistent calculation.

  • LCAO.mulliken is set to true to compute the Mulliken populations at the end of the self-consistent calculation.

Then execute RESCU as follows

rescu -i nio_lcao_scf_u.input

First, inspecting the results in results/nio_lcao_scf_u.h5, you should find that the nickel atoms’ magnetic moment, as calculated using the Mulliken populations, increased from roughly 1.2 \(\mu_B\) in the LDA to 1.8 \(\mu_B\) in the LDA+U. Next, you may plot the DOS typing

rescu -p results/nio_lcao_scf_u

You should get a plot similar to Fig. 8.1.1. The band gap visibly increases, from about 0.5 eV in the LDA to 2.6 eV in the LDA+U. Note that the valence DOS is modified significantly, which only the conduction band minimum is affected.